Example sentences of "[vb past] [art] [noun] [conj] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 We by-passed the town and went straight to the former station , which is actually not in the town itself , but at Minllyn .
2 One of the models had peeked at the audience from behind the heavy velvet curtains that draped the stage and reported breathlessly that every spindly-legged gilt chair in the crowded hall was taken .
3 He unlocked the case and lifted out what looked like a Walkman with a small black box attached .
4 She unlocked the door and got back in the shower .
5 He unlocked the door and stepped inside .
6 Then Joe unlocked the door and picked up my sister , who had dropped unconscious to the ground , but only after watching the fight through the window .
7 He unlocked the door and peered out into the darkness .
8 Whitlock zipped the holdall and stood up .
9 Horsley passed the test and went off to see Thornton , who was still simmering and had nothing but dire warnings for him .
10 If you had a bloke like John tha that virtually ran the force for several years whether you liked him or whether you did n't he he he was efficient in running the force erm especially when Charlie was was into the erm in a big way and he spent very little time with Nottinghamshire John ran the force made the decisions and cracked on with it
11 Locals are grateful they made the airfield but scared over future flights .
12 Peter Yeo , accustomed to leading from the front , had arrived at seven-thirty and personally made the coffee and brought in croissants , so that the reassuring presence of food greeted the other three partners .
13 They made the changeover and came back into London on a District Line train from Richmond .
14 Uncle Albert made the drinks and got out the biscuit tin .
15 Tom made the tea and took down two large white mugs from hooks hanging by the window .
16 Watney owns a pub on the embankment ; the Bishop of Winchester once owned the land but gave up all title in 1884 ; Hampshire county council recently widened the road that runs along the top of the bank , but it refuses to get involved .
17 He wrote to various suppliers implying that he owned the arcade and obtained around £350,000 worth of goods on credit .
18 An occasional shaft of sunlight penetrated the foliage and lit up the bronze trunks of the pines , touching them with fire .
19 Dickie read the figures and calculated fast .
20 Over and over she asked the questions and became so demented by them that , though she trembled with indignation , she once more went into the Casa Guidi and , controlling herself as best she could , asked to see her old mistress .
21 Magistrate Peck asked the question whilst looking directly at Noah .
22 Sometimes I braved the elements and went out to the garage and thought about a hosepipe on the exhaust of the car , but I was never brave enough to face real oblivion , although when I went to bed at night , I used to refer to it as slipping into oblivion .
23 MacIver had told police : ‘ I just made sure no-one was about while the other two men went into the cab , got the driver and drove off . ’
24 What 's worse , they all got the boot but have since proved they can do the business at the highest level .
25 He admitted the offences but did not return to court for sentencing .
26 This checked the sap and induced even growth .
27 ‘ Maybe she once fought the Scots and ended up with a bagpipe chanter in a nasty place . ’
28 He quit the booth and had just turned the corner when the plain-clothes policeman emerged from an alley and glanced at the bank of kiosks .
29 One day they 'll make a big killing , quit the rackets and settle down to a respectable life in a new town .
30 Wycliffe walked on towards the town , but he avoided the waterfront and returned instead by the main street , which was narrow enough to give some shelter from the gale .
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