Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] a [noun sg] [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Twoflower hung on as best he could as Ninereeds swooped through a succession of caverns and soared around a spiral staircase that could easily have accommodated a retreating army .
2 No because , I applied for a lot of jobs
3 Her output was not impressive but at least she succeeded for a couple of hours in driving the memory of Sybil 's murder into the back of her mind .
4 Christopher Petrie and Jane lived for a year as neighbours : he in the manor and she in the stables-converted cottage , which she made much cosier and more inviting than the manor — one reason perhaps why Christopher spent so much time there .
5 Margaret inspected it and asked for a number of prints to be made .
6 Once Endill asked for a box of nails and Wednesday returned ten minutes later with a tin of spaghetti .
7 A beautiful girl went into a sweet shop and asked for a box of chocolates .
8 The last time I preached on the New Age before writing this chapter , I asked for a show of hands from those who had heard of it .
9 It then passed through a number of hands , eventually taken over by Bensons International Systems , shortly after the Second World War .
10 ROCK star Dave Stewart was yesterday declared a civic hero in the city he quit as a teenager after years of school bullying pushed him close to a nervous breakdown .
11 As soon as we had cleared customs he made for a bank of telephones , and when he rejoined me he was smiling .
12 It provided for a ban on imports of ozone-gobbling chlorofluorocarbons ( CFCs ) , of products containing CFCs , and of products which used CFCs in their manufacturing process .
13 It provided for a separation of powers , the establishment of a constitutional court and the holding of direct presidential elections .
14 Productivity also rose for a number of reasons of which taxation was probably the most important , although factors like technological improvements , peaceful conditions , access to wider markets and slavery must all have played a part .
15 erm I remember one er , I think it was Bedfield Hall or some big house at Bedfield where erm they had erm erm a hostel for Wrens , I think they were probably in training there and erm their Education Officer came in and wanted us to arrange a course erm and she wanted it described as a school for brides
16 Sharpe gave the mare a last despairing hack with his heels , then ducked his head as she crashed through a stand of ferns and thus into the wood 's cool margin .
17 In England , possibly as a result of the Continental view , rumours arose that the Great Fire occurred as a result of acts by ‘ papists ’ and the King ( who had married Catherine , the daughter of the King of Portugal in 1662 ) had to combat the ugly anti-Catholic mood of Londoners and Parliament , particularly when another rumour arose of a plot to overthrow him for his Roman Catholic brother , the Duke of York .
18 Most battles indeed occurred as a result of sieges when , as at Châteauroux in June 1187 , a besieging army found itself faced by a relieving army .
19 One major finding in the children studied , who had a range of clinical problems , was that transient UOS relaxations occurred during a proportion of episodes of gastro-oesophageal reflux induced distention of the oesophagus .
20 This occurred for a number of reasons : laparoscopy became a widely used diagnostic tool , with diagnosis no longer being restricted to patients with disease severe enough to warrant laparotomy , and gynaecologists became aware of the myriad visual appearances of endometriosis which represent evolution of the disease through visually distinct stages to the relatively inactive classic blue-black lesions .
21 Troubled Mr Major yesterday headed for a showdown with Euro-rebels by announcing he would put the Maastricht Treaty before Parliament around Christmas .
22 Back at the academy , Ethel sat fuming in bed and watched from her window as the pupils rose like a flock of bats into the twilight and sailed away without her .
23 We sat and dined like a group of friends .
24 Mellor rallied with a string of jokes .
25 The court erupted into a crescendo of cheers and applause , and a succession of ever-increasing acclamation as the news was greeted by the multitude outside .
26 A door opened , and Isay entered with a tray of platters of food .
27 Meredith peered into a couple of loose-boxes and called ‘ Mr Fearon ? ’ but only found herself staring into surprised equine faces .
28 It was an ignominious failure — the plane left the runway then crashed into a ball of flames .
29 The Army Commander , Gen. Carlomagno Andrade , was killed on Dec. 10 , when a small aircraft in which he was travelling crashed into a block of flats in the capital , Quito , while unsighted by dense fog .
30 University students have been moved to temporary accommodation after a stolen car crashed into a block of flats , demolishing a wall .
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