Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] be [adv] [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And the days passed and the nights passed and it seemed to be just waiting for death .
2 It seemed to be slowly creeping into her groin and up … up into her stomach .
3 Half the bar seemed to be indulgently waiting for her opinion .
4 Tralhaut comments that he seemed to be almost glorying in his failure to break down the barriers and ‘ storm the fortress ’ of his love 's frozen heart .
5 I tried to keep my eyes off his muscular thighs in their tight blue jeans , but as we bent over the café table it was easy to cast occasional surreptitious glances at his powerfully outlined sexual equipment under the much-rubbed fly , which seemed to be almost bursting at the seams .
6 She was n't changing her plans and returning , yet she seemed to be angrily tugging at me just as I was turning away .
7 He seemed to be always looking at himself not literally , but trying to see what effect he was making .
8 Now that cape , it would be raining on it all night , and we had no means of drying it so that cape was left on a hanger in the house and the next coat was taken and that was worn but for some reason it seemed to be always raining on nights and you had coat wet and you came to go out it was still damp .
9 In the hot debate that followed , the benefits of fuel efficiency and alternative renewable energies sources were argued persuasively by one of the acknowledged international experts in the field , but neither minister appeared to be actually listening to Amory Lovins of the American Rocky Mountain Institute .
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