Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] this [noun sg] [was/were] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Among places he surveyed at this time were the park of Auckland Castle and Lanchester Common .
2 The public silence was broken early in 1987 by Marxism Today , who can seldom resist a bandwagon , even if they often fall under the wheels in the process ; and the particular bandwagon they joined on this occasion was the one about what the Tories had labelled ‘ Loony Left ’ councils .
3 Numerous people ran into debt from being unable or unwilling to settle their credit card accounts at all or in full each month , and allowing their purchases to grow in price as every month passed , but the sums people in Britain owed in this way was a very small proportion of the total outstanding personal credit granted , which in 1987 Janet Ford reckoned in her book The Indebted Society was £30,000 million .
4 Among the informants he met in this way was a Lebanese Army officer known as ‘ The Captain' , with close connections to the Jafaar clan .
5 It was perhaps inevitable that one of the benefits that both the wives and husbands saw from this approach was a reduction in stock losses .
6 What I liked about this letter was the phrase ‘ if you tell me that I have it ’ .
7 What emerged from this process was the English national round hand .
8 In fact , when the Labour Party did come to power in 1964 , the only documentation they possessed on this subject was a single sheet of paper provided by myself , recommending among other things the establishment of rent officers , an idea in which I was subsequently able to interest Dick Crossman .
9 Indeed , a major theme which emerged at this time was the lack of attention given by employers to the age structure of their work-forces and the consequent lack of encouragement to older people to see themselves as potentially economically viable .
10 Erm printed in the official copy for this but left off this copy were the names , also the Reverend of Glangothwyn and the Reverend Victor of Hamwell Erm does anybody else wish to make any comments on the minutes of .
11 The only comfort I had during this time was a farmer 's daughter in my class at school called Tina .
12 The most startling insight I gained from this meeting was the proportion of overall growth in housing provision being made to satisfy migration from England .
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