Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] [pers pn] [conj] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In fact , it never occurred to me that it made a difference until I was in a trial and a scout said ‘ We 're quite interested in the coloured lad ’ and that was the first time I realized they thought of me as anything other than my name .
2 And it occurred to him that it had almost always been like that : he the serious and thoughtful one , and the one he loved mostly careless and unconcerned .
3 His first impression was that somebody had started to construct a small harbour , but then he saw a shallow groove cut in the face of the cliff which must at one time have accommodated a pipe , and it occurred to him that it had probably been a sewage outfall .
4 On one of the islands he saw a shaggy water rat ; he shouted at it and it slid into the water and swam away with only the top of its head showing .
5 It was much more , he thought as he moved the boiling pan off the stove and on to the floor , trying to ignore the unholy smell of bleach that came off it as it sloshed against the sides of the vessel , that he had simply woken up one morning and realized , to use a phrase a friend had used about someone else 's wife , ‘ what he had got hold of ’ .
6 Picturesque asymmetry appealed to him because it enabled him to allow the logical sequence of the rooms and considerations of service and privacy to determine the entire plan from of the house without any unnecessary duplication of accommodation .
7 As Agnes hurried down the street it came to her that it had been tactless of her to talk about life being dull and with no bright future ; for had they any bright future ?
8 But , although I hoped very much that he would be here , it seemed to me that it mattered little whether one knew anybody in the camp or not .
9 ‘ It seemed to me that it did not please you greatly when you first tasted it . ’
10 Bathed in the bright sun of Italy and glittering with social and commercial success , it seemed to her that it had always been menaced by dark shadows , many of which , Constance sometimes thought , had sprung up almost to punish her for leaving this remote area so early in her adult life .
11 I am speaking now of its Belgrade side , of the old men in the Academy who wished to complete Serb history because it seemed to them that it had not been properly completed back in 1918 .
12 Another experience was when he was praying before the crucifix in San Damiano and it seemed to him that it gave him the message , " Build my church " , which he immediately interpreted quite literally as , " Save this church from crumbling into ruins " .
13 A five kilometres stretch of Dere Street north of Monteviot was easy to walk in 1990 , yet Hamish diverted around it as it showed ‘ no indication of being salvaged and made available ’ ( only the Teviot crossing and Monteviot House required a diversion , and Borders Region plans to open this stretch in 1992 ) .
14 It went out , the press got behind it and it began turning into something .
15 They did n't have any control , certainly , and not even very much knowledge as to how the commodity — and I 'm talking about cotton , rubber , tea , copper , bauxite , coco , sugar , coffee and so on — what happened to it when it enters the market of a developed country .
16 ‘ We never saw anything he videoed on it and it does n't seem to be here .
17 Written and signed by you and it 's witnessed by some independent witnesses .
18 But they decided against it and it went again in October .
19 I thought about it and it made me feel a bit better .
20 ‘ I thought about it and it does go back to those very early days and probably to that first meeting , ’ she says .
21 Only municipal socialism offered any coherent alternative , but this was limited by its restriction to the local level ; the balance of power went against it and it has now been thrown back .
22 She tried to laugh but the sound died in her before it reached her lips .
23 We stared at it and it seemed to stare at us .
24 And yet , on this fevered night … he stared at the heavy , handsome head , looked at it until it became a strange thing to him , a feeling of stone , a sight he saw from another part of the room , this unbodied head reflected more truly in the mirror than in the live skull itself …
25 I stood and looked at it and it came and rubbed itself against my leg .
26 At the end of the lawn there was a sundial ; they looked at it and it had got the time right .
27 I ca n't remembered who said it a little earlier but they said that the er , conservatives er dealt with the environment as it came along , and it 's it 's been all too apparent that they kep dealt with it as it came along .
28 The silver-plated frame winked at him as it turned over and over in the air .
29 But I ran in it and it felt fine .
30 I was at a day school in Hampstead , King Alfred School , in its heyday , and we went out to Golders Green and boarded the open top of a No. 13 bus and sat on it till it came back to Golders Green again — such sights we saw !
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