Example sentences of "[vb past] [be] [vb pp] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The circumstances in which this litigation arose are described in the judgment delivered by Vinelott J. on 19 December 1989 as follows :
2 But if his reputation as one of the great Kings of French history is anything to go by , then the means he used were justified by the end , the destruction of the Angevin Empire .
3 Yes , now that kingdom is , is in the Lord 's prayer as we mentioned is gone into the air and
4 Ted was a child of the sixties , but he sounded as if he 'd been born in the Blitz .
5 They 'd been separated in the fracas which followed their parachute descent into northern France , and she feared that Jeanne had been killed in the fighting .
6 He 'd lost weight , his eyes were staring and red as if they 'd been rolled in grit , and his clothes hung on him like a scarecrow 's ; it was almost as if , in the course of the past few weeks , he 'd been drained of the zest and the energy and the sense of confidence that she 'd steadily been picking up .
7 Lady Laetitia had forgotten all she 'd been taught in the morning and everything had to be rehearsed again .
8 He 'd been beaten about the head .
9 He 'd been beaten about the head .
10 He 'd been beaten around the head .
11 He 'd been beaten around the head .
12 He 'd been beaten around the head and his throat had been cut .
13 We 'd entered him in the Novice section , but he 'd been upgraded in the meantime .
14 Nine hours after she 'd been bundled into the room , they unceremoniously dumped Adam in with her .
15 I did put the landing light on , though , as I 'd been ambushed in the dark on those stairs before , barely escaping with my life .
16 I left before the tour was over because it was time for Mott The Hoople to come and tour and I 'd been designated as the person to take care of them , so I went off before it was over .
17 must be when I looked at it they 'd been grown in the field , because it 's burnt , you can see it 's got this reddish muck where all the mud down
18 ‘ He 'd been slumped over the freezer for some minutes before anyone realised anything was wrong , ’ he said .
19 Judith had once confided that she too had an uncertain grasp of the past , though she 'd been drunk at the time , and had denied it vehemently when he 'd raised the subject again .
20 She could not make out the words , but knew instinctively they 'd been uttered by the uncle of her child .
21 Dot was glad she 'd been warned by the dancing man because there was no warning from Gloria .
22 He 'd been stabbed in the neck during a party to celebrate his engagement .
23 He 'd been stabbed in the throat .
24 Rory jumped as though she 'd been shot at the sound of the lazily amused voice materialising apparently out of nowhere .
25 Word spread : Osvaldo had died of malaria ; he 'd been shot in the back by X. Ray ; he 'd fallen down a cliff .
26 He 'd been shot in the head , left partially deaf and paralysed .
27 A nurse who saved a security guards life after he 'd been shot in the chest by an armed robber has received a top award .
28 A court 's been hearing how an off-duty nurse saved a security guard 's life after he 'd been shot in the chest during an armed robbery .
29 But , at that time , none of us had seen Hell in person We 'd seen a picture of The Heartbreakers that Malcolm had brought back from New York — the one in which it was meant to look like they 'd been shot in the heart but in fact looked like they d all had the same accident with a ketchup bottle .
30 I had no idea he 'd been kept in the dark for so long .
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