Example sentences of "[vb past] [be] [verb] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The antechamber which he entered was filled with silent N'pani .
2 The responsibility for the serious incident to which he referred was shared among several water authorities .
3 Tommaso had not come back at Ascension , though some others who 'd been called to military service at the same time walked into town one afternoon .
4 Of course I 've sent specimens to Forensic but you can take it from me that he died of strychnine poisoning ; a fairly hefty dose but he 'd been living on borrowed time any way .
5 We 'd been bickering since New Year and she 'd flounced out of my city flat in early May , darkly muttering , Nevermore !
6 The last dying patient I 'd been to visit in this hospital had been the caretaker of our Health Centre , in much pain from a carcinoma of the pancreas .
7 Although he 'd been kept in secure accommodation 3 times in his life , he was now in a stable relationship with a new foster mother .
8 She 'd been strangled with some kind of flex or cord .
9 At speeds of ninety miles a Police car chased a stolen white fiesta … through narrow country lanes … cars coming in the oppositie direction swerve to avoid it car as it weaves in and out of the traffic … at times the Police try to overtake it … without success … forty miles after they spotted the stolen car … the road clears and the Police overtake and stop them … three schoolboys are arrested … one of them … a passenger … is fourteen … in the past eight months he 's been arrested twenty eight times … the day before he 'd been placed under another supervision order by Milton Keynes Magistrates where he 'd faced charges of robbery and burglary and joy riding … it was from the children 's home he 'd been sent that his two friends picked him up .
10 She 'd been waiting for this moment for so long , and all she could do , now that it had finally arrived , was think the worst of him , instead of simply being happy to see him again .
11 I 'd been waiting for some opportunity to show off , to draw attention to myself .
12 The fifty nine year old singer who 'd been dogged by ill health died at his home in Arbroath on Monday .
13 she 'd been put on that file — ‘ just by mistake ’ ,
14 so I mean I 'd been dying for this pint all , all day sort of thing , I felt much better after that .
15 ‘ I felt I 'd been caught in some street scam .
16 I 'd been indulging in good heart exercise while sitting still .
17 If you 'd been working with this angle instead , we did n't know that and we 're trying to work with this one or we say we 're interested in this angle so that will be the opposite and this would be the adjacent .
18 ‘ I 'd been working on that right during training it was more of a natural reaction . ’
19 It was also frustrating for the scientists who 'd been working on this project for more than a decade .
20 She 'd been married in that hat .
21 Right , David , you said you 'd been approached by another insurance company , er , I could obviously say , I recommended Abbey Life , and I 'm tied to that , but I actually joined because I think they 're a particularly good company , in that what , in the use they make of the money that I 'm paying , actually goes , performs very well .
22 The first was some eight years ago when he 'd been accused of shoddy workmanship on a car which had been involved in a crash two days after he 'd MOTed it .
23 Five minutes later he came in trying to tell tell us jokes and each time he 'd been paddling through this brake fluid and the carpet is just you know , brains
24 Adjusting frontiers is historically enormously difficult , there may be two or three very clear cases in the Soviet Union when it came be done without much dispute by general agreement , but on the whole I reckon that observation of human rights is the way to approach this , and then of course the er growth of economic prosperity if it comes will actually help to ease these problems .
25 An environmental activist prior to his appointment in 1990 [ see p. 37312 ] , Lutzemberger had been outspoken in his criticism of Brazilian institutions which he believed were contributing to environmental destruction , particularly that of the Amazon rainforest .
26 The train had living accommodation for thirty-eight sick berth staff , all in the charge of a medical officer , who had his living quarters in the staff coach , while 140 sick and wounded were accommodated in six cot coaches .
27 The tax rebate relating to prior years ' tax paid was recognised in last year 's accounts as an extraordinary tax credit , but has been included in taxation on profit on ordinary activities in these accounts in accordance with FRS3 .
28 Each item he retrieved was examined with great care , and he took the opportunity to do some elementary housekeeping by discarding unwanted minutiae of his life .
29 The relatively small number of women employed were concentrated on unskilled manual , shop and office work , and could command rates less than half those of men in the same occupational groups .
30 Whatever task he undertook was tackled with single-minded determination .
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