Example sentences of "[vb past] [conj] the [noun sg] [be] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Later reports from the IBM Corp annual meeting in Tampa , Florida on Monday stress the anger of shareholders that we forecast when we mentioned that the meeting was to be held in America 's retirement capital : ‘ IBM stock no longer provides for your old age , but it certainly hastens its arrival , ’ one irate shareholder told Louis Gerstner during the annual meeting ; some 2,300 shareholders , mostly elderly investors and current or former IBM employees , crowded into the Tampa Convention Center for the meeting .
2 It is true that in Dudley and Stephens the jury found that the boy was in a much weaker condition than the others and was likely to have died before them .
3 Tracing the original owner , I found that the wood was from a timber outbuilding , and has been left to the tender mercies of the council or the local pyromaniac .
4 But when he stepped out of the Humber Snipe which had been sent to pick him up he found that the building was in darkness and apparently deserted .
5 On examining their find more closely at the pump-house , they found that the box was of stout construction and very old .
6 Quoting sources in Amman , the radio reported that the measure was in retaliation for Jordan 's decision to recall its ambassador in September .
7 On Dec. 12 the Far Eastern Economic Review reported that the government was under pressure from religious parties to eliminate bank interest ( prohibited under Islamic law ) after a federal Islamic court on Nov. 14 ordered 22 economic laws to be brought in line with Islamic injunctions by June 1992 .
8 In 1874 the Mercury reported that the custom was in decline but ‘ formerly several gangs of ‘ plough-witches ' ’ , ludicrously dressed and with hideous painted faces , came in from the country and visited the tradesmen 's shops , levying ‘ ‘ black-mail' ’ and generally terminating their begging rounds with drunken orgies ' .
9 Last night at Elm Park the rain lashed down , the wind howled and the quest was for memories and money — and a goal .
10 A more serious incident occurred when the churchwarden was in the process of removing a crucifix in the churchyard following a directive from parliament for the removal of images from church property .
11 Joseph Hyde opened his eyes , blinking rapidly until he realized that the room was in darkness and the lighter grey square to his left was the window .
12 In January 1991 the Supreme Court ruled that the adjournment was in breach of the Constitution ( which contained an obligation for the legislature to meet at least three times a year ) , causing Namaliu to announce that the legislature would reconvene in May .
13 He also disclosed that the company is considering moving up to a full listing .
14 During their conversation , he realised that the vision was for the present and not 4 years in the future .
15 After my canvas was half painted , however , I realised that the canvas was at the wrong angle .
16 When they hear it rumoured that the hotel is to be sold off for development they turn to crime to finance their own take-over bid … = From the writers of Cabaret , Chicago and New York , New York , this show is a triumphant affirmation of life and vitality with a full Broadway score of wit , understanding and humour .
17 Without consulting Ann , he announced that the boy was to be named after is grandfather Tristram Pascoe ; and having taken that decision he went off down to the harbour to see if Gristy was back from the fishing and to crow over winning the wager .
18 Walesa signed a bill to revalue pensions on Nov. 8 , but announced that the law was to be amended immediately to reduce the number of people whose pensions would be cut as a result .
19 It was under threat because it 's owners , the RSPCA , announced that the property was to be sold .
20 For yesterday he arrogantly announced that the nation is in good shape .
21 One of the organisers , Peter Goodwin , admitted that the day was in many ways depressing .
22 But as he inspected the size of the Tories ' losses on May 6th even the home secretary , Kenneth Clarke , usually a man to find a silver lining in the blackest cloud , admitted that the government was in ‘ a dreadful hole ’ .
23 Eurotunnel co-chairman Alastair Morton admitted that the company was in technical breach of its main credit agreement but argued that the cost overruns could be justified in the light of improving traffic and revenue forecasts .
24 Eventually the proprietress admitted that the General was in the hotel , and somewhat hesitantly led Serrigny upstairs .
25 Last December , the Secretary of State for the Environment , Michael Heseltine , revealed that the Government was considering surrendering Somerset House — largely occupied by the Inland Revenue and the Lord Chancellor 's probate registry — for ‘ some imaginative public use that will add further lustre to London ’ .
26 Last year a routine survey revealed that the bridge was in need of significant structural repair .
27 They argued that the Senate was in the hands of a mainly southern élite , armed with a self-serving code of legislative norms .
28 They believed that the land was under the care and guardianship of the people who used it and lived on it .
29 The locals believed that the collapse was in protest at the new building work , but that hardly seems fair .
30 At 1333 hours , the crew advised that the airport was in sight .
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