Example sentences of "[vb past] [conj] he had [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 To his surprise Riven found that he had joined them , and Darmid 's sword was naked in his hand .
2 and found that he had hardened his views and was most obstructive and unhelpful .
3 In their third session , Peter reported that he had had his annual pay increase and said , ‘ I think I 'm earning enough for Susie to stop working .
4 Albert realized that he had forgotten his report , but trusted his memory to make it up .
5 When the press noted the change in tone , Hitler agreed that he had altered his stance , but only to the extent , he said , that he had earlier been too mild , and had realized while at work on Mein Kampf that the ‘ Jewish Question ’ was one not solely for the German people , but for all peoples , ‘ for Juda is the world plague ’ .
6 It was late in the afternoon when he realised that he had eaten nothing since breakfast , and he was about to go out into the town in search of a restaurant when the telephone rang .
7 Since the war had interrupted his career as a merchant , Peto needed to find an alternative outlet for his many talents and interests , and when childhood friend Ervin Marton , a photographer and designer domiciled in France , introduced him to photography , he quickly realised that he had found his true artistic vocation .
8 Herr Nordern 's temper was n't improved when , having caught the S-Bahn , he realised that he had left his book of tickets in his other Jacket .
9 It took a few seconds before she realised that he had pulled himself away from her .
10 Back they came to enjoy wedded bliss at Ince for ten days , before Killigrew announced that he had to join his yeomanry for several weeks .
11 A further campaign development occurred on June 28 when Lee Jong Chan announced that he had abandoned his plan to contest the presidential elections as an independent candidate .
12 He admitted that he had injected himself with speed two days before the police acted on the search warrant on January 20th .
13 He said he knew the tablets would not have harmed him and admitted that he had taken them to make his wife see how much he needed her .
14 After losing to the little Chinese-American again , this time by 6-3 , 6-4 , he admitted that he had changed his mind .
15 Moreover since he did not wish to have preying on his mind any malice or grudge by reason of which his father might later be offended , he revealed that he had pledged himself to support the barons of Aquitaine against his brother Richard and said that he had done this because Richard had fortified the castle of Clairvaux though it really belonged to the Angevin patrimony which he should inherit from his father . "
16 Since he was practising alternative medicine under the guise of orthodox medicine the committee believed that he had misled his patients and that this amounted to professional misconduct .
17 Piggy believed that he had overcome his disabilities and looked at himself in a very different way from the other boys .
18 Everything David had shown her of himself had made her love him and yet she believed that he had done something unspeakable .
19 He added that he had made it clear to the IoT that the Faculty would be willing to explore co-operation over exams , but the IoT was not interested .
20 Gary again started to pray about YWAM as he recognised that he had lost something — perhaps his original vision was wrong .
21 It seemed that he had heard her , because there was silence again and Jinny turned back towards the little patch of bushes she was picking over .
22 But it seemed that he had sparked something off .
23 It signified that he had hurt her .
24 I noticed that he had pressed his elbows into the desk to stop his hands shaking .
25 After the opening page , he noticed that he had retained nothing of what followed and that he was eating a potato crisp .
26 Parks did have talent and right to the end , which came after he had shot his final roll on a Town & Country sitting , he never , ever dressed like a stockbroker .
27 His greatest idea came after he had written his first works and was doing an index for a book : this was to give a name composed of two words , a generic name and a specific or trivial one , to each species .
28 The next morning Johanna 's sister , Emma , asked if he had seen her .
29 This was not the moment to lecture him on the facts of hospital life , so I said briefly , ‘ Patients prefer two to one , ’ and asked if he had explained his position to Sister .
30 In New York , somebody asked if he had named his company after the Virgin Islands .
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