Example sentences of "[vb past] [conj] we [vb base] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ What you mean is , she will wonder what happened if we return to the palazzo at such an early hour .
2 We showed when we pull on the green jerseys , when the real chips are down , that we would die for each other .
3 The structure of this argument is important because we find it repeated when we look at the traditional ways in which it is sought to legitimate private power .
4 We mourn the loss of the person who died and we respond to the change that this effects in our lives with panic or elation or anxiety or a whole gamut of emotions that may take us by surprise .
5 And perhaps we should exercise this idea , this thought when we pray for the salvation of people .
6 Here then is a continuity between the early modern and the post/modern , one oft en overlooked when we concentrate on the differences in the way sexuality is conceptualized in the two periods .
7 John Dower , the father of the National Parks , got it right when he said that we look to the farming communities for the continuance not only of the landscape but of the drama itself , rural life and work .
8 He suggested that we adjourn to the bar .
9 Jenny reappeared soon enough and she suggested that we nip down the road to a little pâtisserie she knew , which of course we did .
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