Example sentences of "[vb past] [conj] they could [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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31 The Nationwide Building Society felt that they could not increase their investment because it was linked to unchanged valuations and therefore the new ratio of public to private funds had to be higher than before , even though the housing association was prepared to invest some of its own resources .
32 Because students felt that they could not approach staff , they often had problems about what to do when they could n't understand the work :
33 Newspaper publicity always gave the impression that the school could train anyone from scratch with little or no dance experience so young readers felt that they could just turn up without an appointment and would immediately be seen by this apparently motherly woman called Jennie Tiller .
34 Kaszubian farmers felt that they could never raise enough money to compete with both the Poles and the Prussian Colonisation Commission for good quality land , and thus stood no real chance of ever turning their smallholdings into profitable concerns .
35 Although he knew that they could not reach beyond the full extension of their chains , Frankie was never fully convinced that he was safe from them .
36 The founders of the Community knew that they could not create a viable organisation if they established goals that could never be achieved .
37 Yet the Nazis knew that they could not behave too outrageously because there was always the threat that the League of Nations might call in the Poles to annex the city and suppress the NSDAP in the name of European peace .
38 The Elves knew that they could barely spare a single warrior from their forces and yet they knew that if mankind failed then the forces of Chaos in the Old World would be free to aid the Dark Elves .
39 During it , the workers had seen the managers run the station without their help and knew that they could again run it .
40 ‘ I wept on the night the sidh were last seen at Tara , ’ said Dierdriu , ‘ for I knew that they could only sing for one of you , and that there could only be one ruler .
41 Trade unionists knew that they could only achieve a limited level of their ambitions through industrial means and they realized that they needed working class MPs to support them in parliament .
42 The Kilns venture was highly unusual , and the Lewis brothers knew that they could only afford it by taking the great risk of throwing in their lot together ; in the event the purchase price was lowered to £3,300 .
43 The political ground could not have been better for a new middle party and many , including myself , thought that they could well achieve the breakthrough they sought .
44 Only 51 per cent of the girls over 16 had attempted to avoid pregnancy ; others thought that they could not become pregnant because they were too young or had sex too infrequently .
45 He thought that they could simply close the doors and everything would be all right .
46 Er we said last week that the on the only , the only real way that the peasants were gon na er mobilize was if they , they thought that they could actually win and so surely the violence would have been a means of saying we 're a credible force to be reckoned with
47 I felt because they could n't come up with anything else they brought this up to show it was something it home … it 's all been dropped now I think .
48 Health authorities complained that they could not afford expensive drugs , but failed to use their buying power to drive down prices from all their suppliers .
49 Students increasingly complained that they could not afford to eat properly .
50 They complained that they could not get loans from LEDU and if they did , the money only came after long delays .
51 One school , deciding that extra space for resource-based learning was a priority , took over a classroom for use in unstructured individualized work , with the result that other classrooms including some specialist rooms were more heavily used than before ; teachers complained that they could not get in to put up work on the blackboard beforehand , and were introduced to the more thorough use of the overhead projector ; the timetabler had to bear in mind the needs of some practical subjects where the previous laying-out of equipment was vital , but the exercise was valuable in focusing attention on such priorities and making them clear to everyone .
52 I told the cleaning ladies and they came up and said , twiddled around with it and said that they could n't work out what was wrong and they were gon na get some engineers in or something , engineers ?
53 Only the other day on ’ Panorama ’ Conservative councillors in Worcester said that they could not build new council houses without losing money .
54 The interesting point is that , that I feel is , that this is , this , this , this all has a very heavy bearing on the regulatory system , because I think that really we 're now being financial services is a global village and you know whether somebody picks up a phone and di I think in fact did n't you have somebody gave evidence here and said that they could not investigate one of Maxwell 's transactions , because it had gone through the New York office .
55 So he said that they could perhaps take a look round to see were there any secluded windows anywhere or any openings where they might just squeeze through .
56 I realized I would get no help from the Treasury and , indeed , I suspected that they could not understand why the department was wasting its time on this issue at all .
57 In one case , police admitted that they cried out for investigation , but explained that they could not undertake it as they had no men with the expertise needed .
58 A lot of couples involved with our singles ministry have taken the challenge of ‘ hands-off ’ courting and have since thanked us for it , even though at the time they wondered if they could not get by with something a bit less conservative .
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