Example sentences of "[vb past] [conj] he be [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 The hunt for other reasons to explain the behaviour of a Ceauşescu misses the point : he was not ‘ really ’ a patriot or ‘ at heart ’ a reformer , though when he proclaimed that he was at any given moment one thing , he was that but at the same time was the opposite .
2 Lord Anson , bombarded as he was from all directions by demands for favours , was hard to move towards action , and Lieutenant Home no doubt felt it would be a case of out of sight out of mind .
3 Monks were supposed to enjoy Lectio : in the scriptures and in the writings of the fathers of the Church , the monk had an encounter with the divine and felt that he was in some mysterious sense studying God himself .
4 Alternatively , is the right hon. Gentleman implying — as I thought that he was in some of his remarks — that legal aid would be generally available to those appearing before adjudicators or tribunals , and that they could secure representation from any part of the legal profession ?
5 He said that he was against that .
6 One month later Glassford was reported to be completing the work of preparing nominal votes , and in this his lawyer , who lacked experience in such matters , was being helped by the agent of Lord Dundas , who clearly considered him still an ally , but on August 6th , Glassford removed such illusions by making it quite plain that he meant what he had said about his price for support , and denied that he was in any way pledged to Lord Dundas :
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