Example sentences of "[vb past] [conj] be [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Alternatively , the profit was earned by the exploitation of property assets and arose or was derived from the places where those assets were when sold or licensed and remain ; all outside Hong Kong .
2 Lambert blinked to rid his eyes of a sudden haziness and then the German was on him , with a curiously muffled stutter that swelled and was lost in the bellow of their engines as they passed in a blaze of flashing muzzles and white-hot exhausts and shinning propeller blades .
3 He dismounted and was received into the royal tent .
4 Long believed lost , the plates recently surfaced and were acquired by the Tate Gallery .
5 A + mistake may be made at a single point or a length of DNA may become temporarily dislocated and be reinserted in the wrong place .
6 That political crisis both drove and was driven by the economic crisis : but again and again it emerged that the key lay in politics .
7 In addition , there were a number of other conflicting relationships within this central ( and here , much simplified ) question , which affected and were affected by the course of the war as a military exercise .
8 Ricard agreed and was searching for the key on the ring of his belt when we heard the sound of horses and men shouting .
9 Pain stabbed in their ears , plaster dust swirled and was swallowed by the gusting storm winds and blasting rain .
10 ‘ Did you get very far with Wickham last night , Rain ? ’ he asked and was confounded by the stunned look she gave him .
11 The golden pavilion and the peacock feathers flared and were gone in an instant , but the Hill of Heaven took a long while to cave in , and Hell burned with a black , acrid smoke billowing out of its throat .
12 Earlier in the week their Paddling Challenge , the oldest canoe race in the world , had seen several of the overseas competitors joining in without stopping even to unload their vehicles when they arrived and being joined by a number of prominent paddlers from the past .
13 After a while their nervousness vanished and was replaced by the glory and wonder of each other .
14 They rose , they hung almost still , and gradually they declined and were flattened into the bulk of the later books of the Evangel .
15 I said I did n't know , and thought no more of it and it was n't until David returned and was performing at the Arts Lab on the Sunday night that I remembered and said to David , ‘ Oh , by the way , while you were away I had a message — your father is not very well ’ .
16 Certainly we know from Pope Gregory 's instructions that temples existed and were reused by the Christians .
17 Recently , just before I woke up , I had an insight that I perceived as being connected with the Celtic tradition ; I ‘ saw ’ that animal sacrifice in Celtic mythology was a way of buying interaction with the world of spirits , the souls of the animals being the currency used .
18 When she had finished she turned to Nara , who had just come back with the things she needed and was peering round the door , as if he was too scared of her magic to come right in .
19 Some of the components of ‘ North Star ’ survived and were incorporated in a non-working replica built for the Stockton and Darlington centenary .
20 Chris and Pauline met while being treated at the same psychiatric unit of a local hospital .
21 May I and my right hon. and hon. Friends join in expressing sympathy for those who died or were injured in the atrocity in County Tyrone on Friday ?
22 Still , the application of different principles of design at the two ends could be accounted for in one man 's work : either by supposing that he saw and was overwhelmed by the Theseion mural between designing the east and designing the west ; or , perhaps more convincingly , that he felt a traditional , sculptural style proper to the entrance-front while allowing himself at the back to experiment with a new pictorial interest .
23 She believes that junior doctors could be empowered by longer contracts and proposes that house jobs should be arranged in one year ( or even 18 month ) blocks within single or closely linked units , so that the doctors felt and were recognised as an important part of the service provided .
24 It may seem at first sight that the plot of land , the fief , as it was called , was a reward for service , something granted in exchange for service , which would fall in when the vassal died and be regranted to a new vassal .
25 In January 1863 , Old Looking Glass died and was succeeded by a son of the same name , hanging his father 's trade mirror , and his burdens , about his own neck .
26 His magic , the magic of uncovering a man who had trod the land that I now trod , who died and was laid in the chalk 3,000 years ago , had been little more than pages in a notebook : another find in the ceaseless archaeological round .
27 The dramatic and mythological language disappeared and was replaced by a doctrine more fitted to legalism or the language of the ledger : salvation came to be seen as a question of balancing the books , or paying debts to the debtor .
28 In the course of the depressed 1930s Gramola disappeared and was replaced by the distinguished HMV label in distinctive dark blue .
29 When considering the right to silence it is salutary to examine the case of Clintom McCurbin who , in October 1988 , died while being arrested in a Next clothes shop on a case of alleged credit card fraud .
30 Campaign to reinstate members who resigned or were terminated during the recession.E
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