Example sentences of "[vb past] [conj] [v-ing] out [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It was the feeling he got while watching out for the bookies when the police were in the area .
2 He said that he had enjoyed working on his own behalf , but felt that staying out of the profession would not be sensible in the long run .
3 It 's early days but if the injury hung around and I thought that pulling out of the world championships was a necessary course of action to prevent more serious problems , I 'd do it without hesitation . ’
4 The other reason was in the late eighties and early nineties we had a very large expenditure programme indeed in one year amounting to one hundred million pounds now of that are now becoming fully depreciated and falling out of the charge
5 He said that looking out from the platform towards the town reminded him of the late President Kennedy looking out over the Berlin Wall .
6 But I could never again imagine him doing something as spontaneously crazy , as aggressively , contemptuously fate-tempting and unleashed as running out across the frozen ice , arms out , laughing .
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