Example sentences of "[vb past] [conj] [noun prp] [conj] [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 These workers incubated the purified lipoprotein for 30 minutes with gel-filtered platelets and demonstrated that VLDL and LDL increased thrombin-induced platelet aggregation and 14 C-serotonin release induced by adrenaline ADP and thrombin .
2 1964 ) he maintained that Barth and Bultmann had come to represent the extremes of objectivism and subjectivism , and offered his own attempt to chart a middle way in which both the given truth of God and the need for it to be apprehended in the personal encounter of faith would be given their proper place .
3 When she reached there she found that Ann and Ruth had been joined by several other girls , including Sarah , and were just about to start their game .
4 The Middle East Economic Digest of Jan. 11 , 1991 reported that Sa'adah and Geaga had both been particularly angry at the appointment of pro-Syrians to the key posts of National Defence ( Michel al-Murr ) and Interior ( Maj.-Gen.
5 She and Nevil were looking after Margaret and Rose as John and Laura had gone out to the theatre for the evening .
6 Timothy rose when Stephen and Kate did , glad that they had decided on refreshment .
7 In a televised address on May 21 Suchinda announced that Chamlong and others arrested during the demonstrations were to be freed .
8 On May 21 Haqqani announced that Masud and Hekmatyar had agreed upon , but not signed , a five-point peace pact .
9 He also announced that Manoon and Chalerm had escaped from Bangkok , but when located would be arrested and charged with creating a situation detrimental to national security .
10 Magnus requested that Finreir and Teclis teach the full secrets of magic to humans .
11 He recalled that Venables and Sugar had been hailed as the ‘ dream ticket ’ team to run Spurs when they took control in 1991 but the relationship turned sour .
12 Next morning Lucy found herself seated alone at the corner table , and when Jean brought her breakfast she learnt that Silas and Matt had left earlier to help the farm manager move cattle into different fields .
13 Pat had left for work when the news came and Anne and Maureen decided to telephone Tony at the factory .
14 First try came as Hannaford and Smith opened up London Scottish to send John Hawker over to score .
15 The final humiliation came when Branson and Draper flew out to Munich to see Oldfield perform in concert and bring him up to date on the current situation .
16 The agenda stated that Israel and Jordan aimed to work towards a peace treaty ( technically , both countries remained at war ) , and included items on water and land claims , the question of Palestinian refugees in Jordan , and arms control .
17 A report on Lao National Radio on March 6 stated that Khamtay and Solomon had concluded that Lao-US relations had progressed to the point that ties would soon be elevated to ambassadorial level .
18 He claimed that Ferrara and Faenza had been promised to papal authority in 757 as part of the Exarchate of Ravenna before Desiderius became king and while he was still struggling for the crown with his rival King Ratchis .
19 Opening the case the prosecuting counsel claimed that Evans and Stroud had plotted to kill the couple , and they 'd hired Norman White to help them .
20 Koch 2 followed when Bill and Fred claimed that Charles and David had wilfully undervalued Koch Industries to reduce the payout .
21 She nearly leapt through the ceiling when the door opened and Maud and Enid marched menacingly into the room .
22 The boys all nodded but Benjamin and Sarah went back to bed .
23 I do n't like the George Michael cut that Luke and Gazza have .
24 The wedding started with a simple service in City Hall with just a few witnesses , but once the hotel heard that Brenda and Pete wished to get married on the beach , they were swept off their feet .
25 Koch 2 followed when Bill and Fred claimed that Charles and David had wilfully undervalued Koch Industries to reduce the payout .
26 None of it worked and Barbara and Ted decided to let life takes its course .
27 Who 'll start me at three hundred ? ’ the auctioneer boomed as Mungo and Emily rushed into the marquee .
28 Wee Joe watched as William and Jenny poured it into bowls and dripped water into it .
29 We joined the crowd before our handiwork was noticed and watched as Mary and Albert had more confetti thrown over them as they stood on the threshold of the church .
30 This fabulously strong squad meant that Robson and McClair played .
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