Example sentences of "[vb past] [conj] [pers pn] were [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 The second , the second point was that while the J C B was down there we er erm in consultation erm the chairman of those committees , we removed the old concrete base which crumbled whilst we were digging the erm the t the trench for the water pipeline , it was actually crumbling away .
2 Relations with South Africa deteriorated further [ see p. 39178 ] when on Dec. 1 the Angolan authorities announced that they were holding the crew of a South African plane which had made an emergency landing in Luena , Moxico province .
3 Three ministers announced that they were leaving the Government at their own request : Lord Belstead ( Ulster ) ; Mr Tim Renton ( Arts Minister ) ; and Mr Alan Howarth ( Education ) .
4 They recognised that they were achieving the three ‘ S ’ factors — stamina , suppleness and strength .
5 Two soldiers were injured , one critically , by a later bomb which exploded as they were searching the area .
6 I stopped and asked if we were going the right way for the castle .
7 The police stated that they were examining the evidence to determine whether to file obstruction-of-justice charges against members of the Kennedy household .
8 In August 1989 Scottish police visited Malta to investigate the Talb connection , and in October investigators confirmed that they were examining the possibility that the bomb had been placed aboard an Air Malta flight before being transferred to Pan Am 's Frankfurt-London-New York flight PA 103 .
9 I guessed that you were breaking the law in some way .
10 It had been a hard year , the public felt Lauda had been ill done by , and everyone felt that they were seeing the apotheosis of one of the great drivers and the first signs of greatness in his natural successor , Alain Prost .
11 His rigorous moral choice against communism strengthened a sense of moral superiority among the Germans , who felt that they were holding the fort for the free world :
12 Already they knew that they were nearing the trees , for the burning Tower was low and far off .
13 Those of us who sat on the urban policies committee for a number of years seeing Moat devour and all the stoppages and problems there , knew that you were taking the wrong line .
14 ‘ You thought that you were doing the right thing .
15 We did get some sales , but actually it felt like we were giving the series away .
16 Things like that made them really cagey , hence I was always having to lob people out of the shop if they looked like they were examining the clothes too closely .
17 Because of the seriousness of the disease , interviewers knew whether they were approaching the parents of a case or control child .
18 Yeah but it was n't done in a , in an enthusiastic manner it was like a sort of well who do you know like friend , family that sort of thing and at the beginning I thought you was a bit more positive but I thought when you were revisiting the , the planning the future that might have been nerves right at the beginning of the session , you then relaxed and your pace all slowed down , excellent at reminding er Jim picked up referrals mentioned earlier , handled the objection okay , do n't remember you asking Jim to contact them beforehand do n't think you did , Jim did he ?
19 Early Muddy Waters stuff : his stuff was the first slide that I heard and I did n't know what it was ; I did n't know if someone was playing steel guitar ; it sounded like they were fretting the guitar and slidin' .
20 If if if you accepted if you were to accept the the the issue of self containment we discussed yesterday , about the transportation implications of a new settlement of this size .
21 He wondered if she were telling the truth and decided that it hardly mattered .
22 But Town take delight in proving people wrong … mind you they had to fight all the way against Wolves and there must have been times when they wondered whether they were going the right way …
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