Example sentences of "[vb past] [conj] [adj] [noun sg] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Lie back … ’ he said thickly , his long fingers touching her boldly , and he stroked that throbbing pulse with authority and experience , his mouth against hers , his strong hand between her silken thighs .
2 My hon. Friend is entirely correct and it would be as well if the House bore that important fact in mind when considering some of the allegations that are made — although I hope this afternoon for a more responsible tone in the remarks of the hon. Member for Sedgefield .
3 These authors found that oral administration of aspirin was associated with inhibition of platelet prostaglandin synthesis and suggested that this finding might explain the known effects of aspirin in inhibiting the platelet-release reaction and in prolonging the bleeding time ( Quick , 1966 ) .
4 Similarly , the Government Actuary reported that current expenditure on retirement pensions was already higher than that part of the insurance contribution assigned for the purpose ( HMSO 1954 : para. 161 ) .
5 HS reported that advance booking of laboratory space and facilities is desirable to optimise use .
6 So traditional wisdom and scientific studies of human sexual behaviour agreed that sexual intercourse in marriage declined as the male lost interest and capacity .
7 Then , in 1985 , a government-appointed committee , the Wimalaratne Committee , recommended that parate execution in relation to corporeal movables be extended .
8 The US Treasury began to experience a depletion of its gold stock , so in August 1971 it announced that official convertibility of dollars into gold was temporarily suspended .
9 The present results revealed that membranous expression of pre-S1 or pre-S2 was found in patients with hepatitis B virus-DNA in serum of HBcAg in liver , regardless of the histological activity , suggesting that membranous expression of pre-S1 or pre-S2 is closely related to active replication of hepatitis B virus , rather than the extent of liver inflammatory activity .
10 A later inquiry blamed BR for ‘ unacceptable and dangerous ’ work practices , and revealed that faulty wiring in trackside signalling equipment had led to the crash .
11 Rather , Qaddafi argued that rational association of people was less valuable , less stable , intrinsically less just than association on natural bases ; and by ‘ natural ’ he meant ties of descent and kinship .
12 Robins argued that disturbed behaviour in fathers tended to lead to similar disturbances in their children , particularly their sons , as it was a much better predictor of conduct disorders in the children than was the behaviour of the mother or siblings .
13 Not without opposition from other sections of the bureaucracy especially those.in Finance ministries , MITI argued that long-term self-reliance for Japan would be delayed or even undermined by following its apparent comparative advantage into labour intensive sectors .
14 For example , one contributor argued that mainstream funding for Whiterock College was a case of robbing Peter to pay Paul .
15 Almost all Japanese believed that colonial rule in Korea should be extended for a very lengthy period , if not permanently .
16 Bishop believed that change was essential and reported on his return to Washington that there was undue complacency in Tokyo ; the vested interests in the occupation bureaucracy believed that American dominance in Japan must be continued for a considerable period and Bishop held that tough action would be required in order to transform attitudes and to terminate the occupation .
17 He added that Croda-funded research at Stirling was now targeted towards developing a further ‘ Lorenzo 's Oil ’ which it was hoped could be used in the treatment of multiple sclerosis .
18 What did the delegates think when they composed that Gogolian policy of assessment in which results are first faked and then suppressed ?
19 When Gary Mackay scored that legendary goal for Scotland against Bulgaria , how big of an inroad did it make into the Republic 's capital of Jammy Breaks ?
20 Chimango predicted a gross domestic product ( GDP ) growth rate of 4.7 per cent for the forthcoming year , but noted that poor rainfall in March could have a negative impact on the growth rate .
21 Rosa Luxemburg , Lenin argued , assumed that economic integration within empires rendered political separatism impossible .
22 ‘ I was one of those people who came and paid homage to Jesus , ’ she recalls with amusement .
23 ‘ A low pitch slated and boarded roof with lead dressings topped the structure , with a skylight to the operating room ; the roof void contained two lead-lined water cisterns , fed via ballcocks and two ‘ force pumps ’ from 4ft. diameter stone-lined walls .
24 It could be argued that Leeds LEA sought and expected consensus on aspects of primary education ( such as classroom practice ) where consensus is neither possible nor appropriate , while at the same time neglecting those other aspects ( such as the curriculum and home-school links ) where consensus was both desirable and possible .
25 He turned that lop-sided grin towards Virginia , sho shrank into her chair , appalled .
26 Where his friend Charles Williams had achieved only phantasmal fictions that struggled implausibly to marry realism and the supernatural , Lewis turned that improbable formula into stories that compel attention .
27 For the French , who declared that old-style exploitation of colonies was a thing of the past , all that they said was necessary were economic and social programmes to dissipate ‘ the racial hatred that was drummed up by immature political leaders ’ .
28 An Independent Labour Party pamphlet of 1900 declared that true freedom for women lay in not having to earn ‘ any wage under any conditions ’ .
29 Both husband and wife acknowledged that joint discussion on farm matters was a useful outcome — a development of Andrew Errington 's ‘ sounding board ’ .
30 Mr Lang claimed that Scottish spending per head ‘ was a substantially higher average figure than for equivalent services in England ’ .
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