Example sentences of "[vb past] [conj] [art] [noun] [verb] by " in BNC.

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1 We found that the recess formed by the metal structure under the bench , fitted neatly with a plywood offcut , made a perfect tool rest for holding tools which were temporarily not needed .
2 They found that the dreams reported by the subjects were noticeably affected by the stimuli on over half the occasions .
3 The Policy Studies Institute ( PSI ) ( Smith and Gray 1983 ) study of police and people in London found that the proportion stopped by the Metropolitan Police were 63 per cent of Afro-Caribbeans , 44 per cent for whites and 18 per cent for Asians , and that of those arrested 17 per cent were Afro-Caribbean .
4 The organisation 's own scientific consultants found that the damage done by felling trees and producing paper pulp for the disposable nappies was virtually ignored in the Proctor and Gamble studies .
5 Italian ‘ Green ’ MEP Enrico Falqui quoted a judgement by the Italian Court of Auditors which found that the price fixed by the State-owned energy corporation ENI for the Montedison shares in the Enimont joint venture was ‘ out of all proportion ’ to their average quoted value .
6 Conducted by Justice Richard Goldstone , the inquiry found that the force used by policemen was " quite immoderate and disproportionate to any lawful object sought to be obtained " , that the police had killed at least 11 people by opening fire on a protest march , and that they had shot at least 127 people who were trying to run away .
7 Hulse and Taylor found that the period changed by as much as 80 µs with a 7.75 h cycle , which is uncharacteristic behaviour for a pulsar .
8 He doubted if the authorities represented by Merymose and Kenamun would pay him as much as Reni or Ipuky would have ; and he doubted if he would receive any reward at all if he were unsuccessful .
9 The point is that the experts were convinced Leakey was wrong when they could not possibly have known this to be the case In his rollicking ‘ Steady-state cosmology revisited ’ , Sir Fred Hoyle recounts what occurred when a paper submitted by his fellow astrophysicist Sir Hermann Bondi was set before that august body , the Royal Astronomical Society .
10 At Question Time in the House , the Prime Minister agreed that a paper submitted by a European Planning Manager , now being studied by the Government and the European Commission appeared to offer real solutions to Britain 's excessive contribution to the European budget .
11 Harold Wilson announced that a conference graced by statesmen like himself and Gerald Ford ( who rarely knew which country he was in , let alone what its politics were ) made the Congress of Vienna in 1815 look like an ‘ overdressed tea-party ’ .
12 NP9> On April 15 King Fahd announced that a commission chaired by the Interior Minister , Prince Nayef Ibn Abdul Aziz , to study the introduction of a " Consultative Council " , had made " long strides in its final review " .
13 Lastly , the Spanish Government argued that the possibility afforded by the Act of 1988 of exempting certain persons from the nationality condition to which reference was made in the last part of the national court 's question ( 2 ) in no way altered the foregoing considerations .
14 The employee inventor argued that the sums received by the employer under the 1983 and 1985 contracts should be regarded as benefits deriving from the possession of a patent over the invention .
15 They therefore believed that the distance travelled by the sun in one day was unc of its yearly path .
16 Though medical science believed that the muscles affected by polio simply withered and could not be restored , she was convinced that the deformities which followed attacks of infantile paralysis were caused by muscle spasms .
17 He added that the figures quoted by Mr Hitchin from the BA commissioned research ‘ need careful interpretation , but I assure you that publishers will be very interested in seeing and evaluating in detail the full survey . ’
18 They noted that the prices indicated by the model differed in various systematic ways from market prices .
19 Knee and hip joints were creaking and it seemed that the prophecy made by doctors forty years before , that one day my legs and hips — the war left me with a short , stiff left leg — would really begin to seize up , was about to come true .
20 He stated that the proposals made by the UK Chancellor of the Exchequer , John Major , on June 20 for a gradualist approach to EMU via the introduction of a parallel currency , the " hard ecu " , contained some very practical elements and that these might be taken more seriously if the UK were to demonstrate a full commitment to EMU .
21 By mid-1990 the government acknowledged that the threat posed by " military rightists " was a more serious problem that which emanated from the insurgency campaign of the communist New People 's Army ( NPA ) .
22 By 1922 , the accuracy of this view was confirmed by the Board of Education 's own Adult Education Committee which claimed that no scheme submitted by any LEA under the terms of the 1918 Education Act had included an extensive programme for liberal adult education .
23 Hoffmann-La Roche claimed that the proceedings adopted by the Monopolies Commission were contrary to the rules of natural justice and that in consequence the Order was ultra vires and invalid ; it brought proceedings against the Secretary of State claiming a declaration to that effect , and indicated that in the meanwhile it would not comply with the Order .
24 They reasoned that an attitude held by an individual is a unique value on a continuum of possibilities or scale , rather than something which is simply present or absent .
25 Some of these studies showed that the wheel-ruts caused by umbilical hose set-ups were only half as deep as those produced by the equivalent tanker-based equipment .
26 To sustain the more general claims one would first need to have a systematic account of the class structure of a society which showed that the interests promoted by the state were in fact those of the ruling class .
27 They alleged that the product marketed by his company could only have been made by his wrongful use of their business secrets .
28 Indeed , it indicated that the companies deemed by Kearney to be unsuccessful users of information technology were investing at a higher rate that the successful ones .
29 Together de Vogüè and Doyard indicated that the Bureau intended by the Vichy government to replace the Commission would be no better and what was required , if the Germans wanted their orders carried out quickly and efficiently , was a body with real powers .
30 It followed that the conditions introduced by the Act of 1988 , whose sole object and effect was to support the Common Fisheries Policy , were not discriminatory .
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