Example sentences of "[vb past] [conj] [pron] could only [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 She reckoned that she could only take on board a limited number of surprises in any given period , and her quota for the year had just been reached .
2 She replied that they could only get an ‘ impression ’ of the girl and there was no use looking farther .
3 She emphasised that I could only share rooms with someone Tata would have considered ‘ acceptable ’ .
4 The angle of the glacier meant that it could only hover , one ski touching the slope .
5 She understood that she could only leave the flat to shop for food at the Indian-owned store at the end of the street .
6 ‘ I wept on the night the sidh were last seen at Tara , ’ said Dierdriu , ‘ for I knew that they could only sing for one of you , and that there could only be one ruler .
7 Trade unionists knew that they could only achieve a limited level of their ambitions through industrial means and they realized that they needed working class MPs to support them in parliament .
8 The Kilns venture was highly unusual , and the Lewis brothers knew that they could only afford it by taking the great risk of throwing in their lot together ; in the event the purchase price was lowered to £3,300 .
9 It may sound priggish , but she says it 's unwise to go against one 's nature , its fundamental requirements , she knew that she could only make a go of it , a real go — and that was what she wanted — with some very extraordinary kind of man , and she had n't met him yet .
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