Example sentences of "[vb past] [conj] [adv] [conj] they [verb] " in BNC.

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1 His only real chance of coming to grief was that of being struck by a stray round-shot , an unlikely mishap , for they sank as soon as they landed .
2 Engineers and electricians recognised that clearly when they voted earlier this year to join together in one union .
3 Gerry Cattini arrived as soon as they 'd sat down .
4 All except a couple of knights , which vanished as soon as they left the board itself .
5 But I mean you see the problem is that how the rich erm rich peasants two different mutual aid teams which meant that how that they did n't ha the resources they were sharing were pretty much the same .
6 We seldom discussed politics but I knew that even though they belonged officially to a Fascist organization their sentiments were more inclined to the local brand of Communism .
7 Yes but surely they thought that through before they got to the stage that I mean even with the mortgage
8 On the other hand , people whose words are not answered may have to spend a lifetime screaming for what they want or need , convinced that only if they demand loudly , cajole , beg , bully or threaten , will they obtain what they want .
9 In the room the radio was playing Hungarian folk dance music and I learned that often while they work music is introduced ; as Cizek says , " Rhythm involuntarily turns into work . "
10 He said that even though they had been given advance warning of Sam 's health problems during a scan three months before he was born , nothing prepared them for the shock .
11 Yeah because he said as soon as they see arrears he said they insist that it 's paid up and they insist that you have like three months pay them no problem he said
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