Example sentences of "[vb past] [conj] [pron] [vb mod] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Although Ramsay proposed that he should lead the decoy party , under the royal standard , Murray insisted that he himself must do that , as was suitable .
2 He then shouted that he would burn the place down . ’
3 According to Goscelin 's account of the translation of the relics of St Mildred from Thanet to St Augustine 's Canterbury , written in the late eleventh century , Cnut went to Canterbury as he was setting out for Rome and promised that he would allow the translation if he returned safely .
4 The sadness of what is in effect the breakup of the comprehensive system is that it occurs at the point when the system was reaching a confidence and maturity which demonstrated that it could meet the demands of the late twentieth century .
5 Critics of the programme , who were numerous in the USA as well as in the Soviet Union , maintained that it would violate the ABM treaty and therefore undermine the whole concept of deterrence by allowing a first strike to be delivered from behind a space ‘ shield ’ which would prevent or at least reduce the risk of retaliation .
6 Low-spirited , disappointed that she must forgo the festivities which always marked the twelfth day of Christmas , she wept copiously and bewailed her ill-fortune to such an extent that it was feared she would increase the severity of the illness .
7 Attfield and Duck ( 1982 ) found that they could reject the rational expectations theory of the term structure of interest rates when they applied the above model to three-monthly , five-yearly and ten-yearly rates of interest in the UK .
8 So it was not surprising that George found that nobody would accept the dangerously exposed position of Prime Minister and that Pitt was indispensable even though he had no majority in the Commons .
9 Oddly enough , I found that I could keep the port wing up for a considerable time and , as I lost flying speed and I came nearer and nearer to the Engineering Wing area , the port wing happily stayed in the air until my speed was very low indeed and then gradually — and I did not think of this — one ( and only one ) of the prop blades gently ploughed into the rather soft earth , My port wing was still in the air , and ever so gently we made a beautiful semi-turn to port .
10 In 1919 he joined the staff of the London Homoeopathic Hospital as pathologist and bacteriologist , and found that he could use the homoeopathic method of potentization to prepare his vaccines which he was then able to give by mouth instead of by injection .
11 We were not inundated with offers for the company from the private sector and our financial advisers doubted whether we could sell the business at all .
12 In 1705 he wrote that he doubted whether he would see the winter through and early in the next year he died , leaving a last , unfinished letter to his young friend .
13 Also he was worried about a model he had arranged to hire through Mauve , and then doubted whether he could pay the price .
14 The priest made us sit next to him on footstools ; he bent his red face towards us and whispered that we should become the angels of our homes and his .
15 The Life of Guthlac claims that Guthlac-reputedly appearing after his death in a vision to Aethelbald — prophesied that he would receive the kingdom from the hand of God , who had foreshortened Ceolred 's life for its wickedness , and triumph over his foes ( Vita Guthlaci , ch. 49 ) .
16 With the Congress leadership in jail , the Round Table conference which met in London in November , at Irwin 's initiative , to discuss constitutional advance , came to nothing , and Irwin realized that he must forego the pleasure of seeing the troublemakers in jail for the hope of constitutional development along the lines he had in mind for India .
17 Charles realized that he must abandon the attempt to re-assert the Forest rights enjoyed by his medieval predecessors .
18 Despite the unceremonious manner of the suggestion , she agreed that they should give the idea a try .
19 Kit Everard shared his suspicions with Tom Ingledew , who , though he feared terribly for his son 's life , agreed that they should seize the offensive , in secret , and place all their forces on the qui vive that night , in readiness for battle in the morning .
20 Culdrose Radar cleared us through the inactive low level danger area and agreed that we would follow the coastline through the combined MATZs .
21 But after we had heard background reports from social work and other sources , we agreed that we should buy the house back . ’
22 As my French was better than Brian 's , we agreed that I would do the talking and that I 'd choose a moment when Mazzin was in one of his camarade moods so that neither of us would be starting from a point of anger .
23 The pair agreed that he should do the job for two to three years , and would then expect to move to another , more senior position .
24 He met Frank , liked him and agreed that he should have the job .
25 Marie and I agreed that she would train the chicks at La Trobe , using exactly the protocol that she herself had modified from Cherkin , which is essentially how we still do it even today , as I described it back in Chapter 2 .
26 Clearly , he realised that he must uphold the papacy even in the light of Hadrian 's opposition to imperial equality .
27 They abandoned this idea when they realised that it would mean the end of the NSDAP in Danzig .
28 It is not , therefore , expected that one should imitate the Japanese mode of dress .
29 Meanwhile , FPI leaders announced that they would challenge the results in court .
30 Union leaders announced that they would resist the plan , and employers forecast increased redundancies .
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