Example sentences of "[vb past] [conj] [pron] [vb past] [to-vb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Adele phoned and she said to phone you .
2 ‘ Invalid and invalid as in having no effect , ’ Fernando grumbled as he went to pour her a drink from a jug on the table .
3 An article which appeared in the paper contained comments by three jurors on what occurred when they retired to consider their verdict in one of the most complex trials in British legal history .
4 He said the biggest problems faced by transsexuals occurred when they decided to change their sex after marrying and having children .
5 Her heart sank as she tried to negotiate her way between the truth and a lie .
6 The following examples illustrate the sorts of problems we encountered when we tried to apply our notion of ‘ shared tasks ’ in these classrooms .
7 The dried blood from my nose was smeared all over the front of my mouth and it cracked when I tried to move my lips .
8 But I realized that I had to do something pretty dramatic to avoid too serious an accident .
9 He realized that she wanted to believe him .
10 Mr Clinton also disclosed that he intended to offer what he called ‘ an aggressive and quite specific plan ’ of aid when the two men meet next month .
11 They realised that they had to tighten everything up , an approach which was helped immeasurably by the mid-second half arrival of Dean Richards .
12 He now realised that he needed to redefine his criteria for book selection to include material of broader interest than merely that which would fit in with his teaching : You buy your library books with a different set of criteria than the sort you use when you are trying to choose a textbook , and I had to restrain myself and think : " Well , I would n't like this , but maybe there is somebody who would .
13 The magazine America had already written about this ; it had published an interview in which I announced that I wanted to hand my collection over to the Tretyakov Gallery as a gift , and saying that I intended to make Lilya curator of the collection .
14 Back they came to enjoy wedded bliss at Ince for ten days , before Killigrew announced that he had to join his yeomanry for several weeks .
15 When God the Father announced that He wished to marry her , she would have preferred the Manhood of Christ ; nevertheless , she was married to the Father in the presence of the Son , the Holy Ghost , the Virgin , the Twelve Apostles , St Katharine , St Paul , and numerous other saints and virgins .
16 Immediately after this he announced that he intended to marry her .
17 Reluctantly she admitted that she wanted to see him all the time .
18 BA argued that it needed to acquire its smaller rival in order to be able to compete more effectively with the mega-airlines that had emerged , particularly in the US , during the previous two years .
19 She was transferring her anxieties to him and now that she recognised that she wanted to do something about it .
20 Just imagine what your reaction would be if you were given a brand new washing machine and told that it had to last you for seventy years or more .
21 Their officers might experience at times a tension between enjoyment of these qualities and impatience at their collective uncooperativeness , but few of them seem to have become so downhearted that they ceased to enjoy their work .
22 It seemed that he came to associate his love affair with me with the one Meaulnes had with Valentine — and Meaulnes 's resultant guilt and loss of purity .
23 Seldom a telegram came and nobody liked to see one come to a house .
24 She said when you came and I rang to confirm it all she said you 're very lucky because he agreed thirteen pounds and we do n't do it for under fifteen pounds now .
25 She fiddled around for a while , and cursed and muttered before she managed to get one detached .
26 Their minds reeled , sickness churned as they struggled to save themselves from injury .
27 ‘ The problems came when I started to find myself more and more entrenched in the business side of things , and unable to actually design stuff like before .
28 He asked if we wanted to watch him feed the birds .
29 ‘ Only because I could n't work out how you were doing it , ’ I said , and she laughed some more and asked if I wanted to join her friends .
30 ‘ Where would you find the time ? ’ he asked and she had to admit it was impossible .
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