Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] been [vb pp] [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Youngsters who had hitherto been isolated on farms and factories could now take part in informed discussion on a wide variety of subjects .
2 The discovery of chemical substitutes led to the founding of a dyestuffs industry and helped the mills develop into extended factory production , gradually mechanizing processes which had hitherto been done by outworkers in their own homes .
3 It was probably this scriptural revolution more than anything else which made the ecumenical one possible , and one of its earliest post-conciliar consequences was the beginning of active co-operation with the Bible translation societies , whose work had hitherto been boycotted by Catholics .
4 The existing museums had all been converted into celebrations of the life and achievements of Nicolae Ceauşescu so what could be more natural than that the Conducator 's body should rest in the museum as the culminating exhibit of Romanian national history .
5 Lancashire police said later that the 16 people arrested had all been released on police bail after questioning .
6 It had all been settled between gentlemen .
7 In the big front room the flags were as good as new — no wear at all — and Hannah told me it had only been used for funerals and pig-killings .
8 Syracuse had long been ruled by tyrants who patronised the arts and sciences .
9 Lay investiture was symbolically objectionable as representing the quasi-sacerdotal position which had long been claimed by kings and emperors .
10 In any case , it seems inevitable that the development of the mechanical clock should have been primarily due to the Church for , although the transmission of power by rope and pulley had long been known to craftsmen , the mathematics of gear-trains ( particularly astronomical trains ) was known only to the highly educated , and their education was provided only by the Church .
11 It is difficult to understand how MAFF can substantiate this argument ; clearly the House of Lords Select Committee felt that the MAFF view had long been overtaken by events in the EEC !
12 All over the world , as I had observed on my travels for Panorama and TRI , countries which had long been administered by others were hoisting their own colours ; everywhere the idea of new-born nationhood was in the air .
13 Five former employees at the post office had already been indicted on charges of drug dealing and embezzlement .
14 Before the examination , one of the commissioners told me that I would not be one of the winners because the positions had already been assigned to others who were , for the most part , assistants to the various commission members .
15 Ian McGeechan , who stepped down as Scotland 's coach this month , had already been appointed as Lions ' coach against the All-Blacks .
16 Ian McGeechan , who stepped down as Scotland 's coach this month , had already been appointed as Lions ' coach against the All-Blacks .
17 A trend had already been set in textiles , where the comparative advantage of cheap labour was becoming important .
18 The announcement of the pardons also revealed that 191 political prisoners had already been pardoned by decrees on June 12 and July 31 , 1990 [ for February 1990 estimates of prison population see p. 37746 ] .
19 We were told , because of the shortage of paper , we were told only to use secondhand papers er paper that had already been used for letters or memos when writing to the Clerks ' Department and erm we erm used to get the grubbiest paper that we could and then you had to condense it and type it erm without too much space and erm that went over to the Clerks ' Department , then erm when it got over th oh sorry you had to trim off the edges erm so that there was no spare paper left around the memo so that er you know there was just this little bit of paper with the
20 There had been widespread fears of police violence , and water cannon had already been used against demonstrators on Saturday .
21 He said the access would create no problems as an exit to the new link road had already been negotiated with builders .
22 The case went before the Bishop three times when John Heryng pleaded that he had already been accounted before auditors appointed by the Bishop and that the account was in possession of John Ie Baker , now churchwarden .
23 A leading East Berlin churchman , Mr Manfred Stolpe , said he feared Mr Krenz 's reform offers had already been overtaken by events and people 's hopes .
24 They had not been asked about materials because a layman 's opinion , or even a manufacturer 's label , was not reliable .
25 If rats , traditionally used for studies on urine flow , had not been replaced by dogs , just because larger animals were needed , the new drug , chlorothiazide , would have been missed , since its activity in rats is insignificant .
26 I was allowed to talk with her and the patients , those who could , whose faces had not been obliterated by burns .
27 The left-wing news magazine Análisis , in a special report a week after the reburial , claimed that the examination of Allende 's body after it was exhumed on Aug. 14 had substantiated eyewitness claims that he had committed suicide , and had not been shot by soldiers .
28 After pressure from Chatichai , however , the Prince announced on April 24 that he would attend the meeting , but warned that it could achieve nothing of value because the invitation had not been extended to representatives of the Khmers Rouges .
29 As for the hair which used to be trimmed by a top London stylist and had swung in a smooth shoulder-skimming bob , it had not been cut for months and was now bundled unceremoniously on to the top of her head .
30 His hair , which had not been cut for weeks , fell in silky waves around his face .
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