Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] and [pron] [vb past] me " in BNC.

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1 and er anyway he got home about half past three so we had to go down to Marks went down to Marks , came back and he bought me a sandwich , I said I 've eaten nothing all day , bought me this sandwich , I was hoping to go away at six
2 In those days I used to hang out at the Giaconda Cafe in Denmark Street where all broke musicians hang out , and I remember his first single came out and he dragged me into the record store next door , Francis Day & Hunter , and he said , ‘ Have a listen to this ’ .
3 they offered me two for a boat , right and they offered me one while I was there , then I got home and they offered me one that late that evening , job , erm working like that was a Thursday and they wanted me to start on the week Monday , I could n't do it as it happens I had to give my weeks notice here get out there that quick , so I fucking said , I said to myself well they 've first day , they 're gon na offer me a few more , so yeah they offered me a couple more but way from so , a bit unlucky I , I wished I 'd fucking taken it
4 black welding glasses on , and he turned round and he made me jump .
5 I got up and he knocked me down again .
6 It 's probably cos I walked in and they called me over , I mean I
7 I gently pushed him aside and walked in and he followed me around reading with great enthusiasm while I poured the contents of my shoes down the sink , removed my coat and made us both a hot drink , interjecting now and again with , ‘ Fancy that ! ’
8 A group of lads talked loudly and one gave me the eye
9 And I went down and he gave me a letter , he says Take your wife in to the general hospital with this letter .
10 After about half an hour , the shooting died down and someone helped me inside the Cathedral .
11 Especially as I went in and he gave me those brochures .
12 It was the only occasion I saw inside and it made me hungry to go again .
13 And as it was I could see him and I called him and he looked over and he saw me and he came dashing across all the gardens .
14 I went downstairs and they told me they had just got married .
15 Yeah I forget one of his books yesterday , and I went home and he clobbered me
16 What it turned out to be was a lump of clay that I 'd moulded into what looked like a piece of black and wrapped up in silver paper just fooling about and they really freaked out and they kicked me out and had the police involved and everything .
17 I went everywhere and no-one knew me at all .
18 And then I went upstairs and she followed me .
19 I got there and they asked me why I did n't get there sooner .
20 I asked why and she gave me a reply I had n't expected .
21 Finally my luck ran out and they caught me .
22 I sat up and he gave me the handkerchief out of his pyjama pocket .
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