Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] [been] [prep] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 When we 'd finished I asked if we could wash up and run the errands but she said she 'd already been to the shops with her brother .
2 Coming after five years of war , when for the first time there did seem to be a tiny light at the end of the tunnel , these new rockets were almost too much for our overstretched nerves , although the situation would no doubt have been very much worse if it had not been for the times when both the RAF and the American Air Force had been out bombing Peenemunde and the other rocket sites .
3 ‘ If it had not been for the difficulties and bruises caused by the recession , I have no doubt there would be an increased majority for the Conservative Party , ’ he said .
4 The complex of disparate elements comprising academic English was always unstable , though they might have stayed together longer if it had not been for the demands of the academic environment .
5 One after the other was called to report why he had not been to the police court for a long period , and threatened that if he did not do more work in the future he would lose pay .
6 British air travel before the war had largely been in the hands of two companies , British Airways for European services and Imperial Airways for services further afield .
7 My leanings had always been towards the listings and music and entertainment side .
8 When Piri Pasa put the idea to Selim , however , the latter refused , taking the view that it would be wrong to interfere in the affairs of the two cities , which enjoyed a special standing in the Islamic world and the governing of which had always been in the hands of descendents of the Prophet .
9 By the late 1980s , the attractions of city life were not what they had once been for the peasants .
10 There was in the polytechnics and colleges , as there had also been in the colleges of advanced technology , some general discussion about the validity of sandwich courses as such , given the possibility that they might be a means of perpetuating outdated practices .
11 His cousin , Francis Drake , who had also been among the survivors of San Juan de Ulloa , took a more aggressive attitude to the Spanish empire ; as an uncompromising Protestant he felt that his country ought to be at war with Spain and , if it would not do this , he would fight on his own account , looking round for people prepared to invest in a private attack on the wealth of Spain .
12 The words " liberty " and " slavery " which had frequently been on the lips of the Bristol slavery abolitionists were taken up by the crowds , and the weakness of both mayor and military left the mob free to do much as it wished .
13 if arrangements had n't been made for her to go to Australia might be , she has n't been may have you know , she still had n't been to the doctors
14 I might have travelled at almost eight thousand inches an hour if it had n't been for the stops .
15 Come to think of it , Columbia would n't have been around if it had n't been for the blues .
16 If it had n't been for the machinations of Horemheb … ’
17 I knew you 'd rather have been off on your own , if it had n't been for the children .
18 It had earlier been in the hands of the Beard family for around a century .
19 McQueen , a genuine Highlander , kept the inn ( such as it was ) at Anoch and he brought Johnson the closest he had yet been to the controversies of the recent Stuart cause .
20 Living amongst the Indonesians , where the pursuit of wisdom virtually amounts to a national pastime , the elements of Earth , Air , Fire , Water and Ether became real for me in a way they had never been in the writings of the Gnostics or the Pythagoreans .
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