Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] [adv] [pron] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 that was cut off there anyway to cut a long story short when we got down there I says to him what 's the damage ?
2 One woman described how differently she reacted to her father 's death , when she was thirty-four , and her mother 's death , ten years later :
3 The whole ritual took most of them half an hour though there were always a few that gossiped so much they had to be nagged by their Head Girl .
4 Apart from a price list , so we had a price list , and I thought right so I went to a book shop and I tried to find a book on masks nothing .
5 Summer gales were rarely of long duration in our experience , and if it blew really hard we used to snug down in the lee of one of the many anchorages and take to the hills for a change .
6 ‘ That 's why I cried a bit when I scored , because I knew how much it meant to them .
7 It was only twenty past nine when I went there yet there seemed to be a stream of folks !
8 He had told the legate in 1095 that he knew very well what needed to be done , but that he had no power to do what was necessary without the king 's aid and consent .
9 A long time ago when I was six years old me and Neil went out mise chifing I chut a stown and it naile it a wondow then we ran off then we came to somedody garben then we clad up there tree and shouted fatet .
10 The golden irises of his eyes seemed to have expanded , and with his head held too high he appeared to be staring at the ceiling .
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