Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] [prep] [adv] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Other symptoms were deemed to be present if they occurred on at least a quarter of the days or occasions , except that passage of mucus was taken as a symptom if it had ever occurred ( this being normal clinical practice ) .
2 While most of use were struggling to stay on the roads , the all-wheel-drive cars swanned along with barely a feather ruffled .
3 On one of the islands he saw a shaggy water rat ; he shouted at it and it slid into the water and swam away with only the top of its head showing .
4 Grimma wandered over to where the human lay .
5 Somewhere , over on the other side of the Common , a truck moved up from below the hill and , headlights hooded , started across towards Parkside .
6 Zurich has benefited in its search for profitable target markets from having a strong international network , built up over nearly a century , with operations in 40 countries .
7 Gains himself was one of the holders , as was George Godfrey , whom Gains rated as at least the equal of Dempsey .
8 But Pool went in front in 63 minutes when Preston keeper Simon Farnworth headed out from outside the area and Peake sent his 30-yard shot into the net before anyone could recover .
9 Okay , bearing in mind single life , does include a life of another , and the only time we can use that life for another , is the one we mentioned there with where the employer wishes to take a plan on the life of the employee .
10 I think I got away with quite a lot , considering .
11 One set of doors led through to where a sign marked ‘ The Studio ’ took me down a flight of stairs to the basement beneath , the cosiness and warmth of which was a welcomed contrast to the watery excesses above .
12 We drove slowly to where a sentry stood .
13 I came down with quite a thud , and hit my head on the stair post . ’
14 Then when he joined the Frank Zappa group he came down with almost every member of the band , and George Duke was at the keyboard … ’
15 As dusk fell they all piled back into the ‘ Blitz Buggy ’ and , with the track rod end still giving forth its loud protesting wail , drove down to where the torpedo boats were moored .
16 The company came in for quite a bit of stick with their new version of the Escort and if the Mondeo had not been well received they could have been in real trouble .
17 Worse , the effects of the war spilled over into almost every aspect of American life , leaving bitterness and division in their wake .
18 He parked close to where the land sloped downwards to a narrow pebble beach , and switched the engine off .
19 On a purely practical note , all this added up to quite a bit in value and Ivy Cottage did not appear to have any extra locks or catches at the windows .
20 She only did , them drama people came up with quite a lot ideas
21 In complete panic , I turned the car around and drove back to where the house had been .
22 I thought Deano played well with really no service .
23 He turned away with just a touch of impatience .
24 But 39-year-old Patrese clambered out with just a pair of bruised knees and trembling hands .
25 Melissa watched for a few seconds as he worked , apparently impervious to the heat , then turned back to where the others were waiting .
26 ‘ Even while then it still had n't clicked in my brilliant brain why I was acting so , I put my foot down , and kept it there , and arrived here with about an hour to spare before your train was due in .
27 ‘ You may want to put that over your eyes , the driving 's kinda crazy here , ’ he said as ten cars hurtled forward with absolutely no lane discipline , and all went straight through a red light with furious honking .
28 The poorest households suffered the most , and this led temporarily to both a levelling and an aggregate move downwards in Volga peasant society .
29 Lunch over , I walked on to where the Coast to Coast Path and Pennine Way cross above Ease Gill Force .
30 They were immensely hairy , had breasts that hung down at least a yard and were used by the males as beasts of burden .
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