Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] [prep] [noun] and [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Straightaway Steve got on to Malcolm and told him they needed all this money to join up with Scientology .
2 She got on with children and dedicated herself to their wellbeing .
3 " This way we 'll get to see more of the real Saigon , " he said loudly for the benefit of their father — then he winked confidentially at Joseph and whispered in his ear : " And the last one there is a horse 's ass .
4 The coroner swept his beaver hat from his head , scratched his balding pate , winked lecherously at Benedicta and turned to watch a now frightened taverner bring across a deep pewter bowl of sack and cups of wine for his companions .
5 Adam got down from Goblander and said ,
6 Therefore the Japanese switched tactics and attacked together with fighters and dive bombers which was not according to Genda 's careful plan .
7 This rotative engine soon became greatly in demand and had a big effect on the mechanisation of factories .
8 They produced less per hectare and employed fewer people per hectare than small farms .
9 We clung together for warmth and vowed to love one another more than anyone else for all time .
10 The person responsible for QA ( who was already known to LIFESPAN and had the necessary privileges for QA work ) logged on to LIFESPAN and requested the QA listings as a file into his personal account .
11 I phoned in to work and asked ?
12 The woman brought water from the house , knelt down beside Yussuf and began to mop his wound .
13 She knelt down by Luch and started to drink the soup .
14 He sits on the edge of the bed where Kate lies fenced in by bolsters and proffers it smilingly .
15 Dr Martin Knapp , Deputy Director , Personal Social Services Research Unit , University of Kent I am going to talk about the programme of pilot , projects described in " Care in the Community : The First Steps The starting point for that was the 1983 Care in the community circular which referred only to England and built on the Department of Health 's Care in the community consultative document of 1981 .
16 Mouse pups born in Dr Friedler 's laboratory weighed less at birth and failed to grow or mature as fast as those born of fathers treated ( for the sake of comparison ) with either salt-water injections or compressed air .
17 He peered down at Ralph and said ,
18 The JNA moved in with tanks and sealed off Borovo Selo on May 3 and also occupied villages near Knin , the main town in the " Autonomous Region " .
19 Sometimes tourists wandered in off Longacre and looked about the hall of this famous British institution before he ushered them out .
20 By the way , Dr Cooper who moved away from Devon and became well-known as a broadcaster , never let me forget my mistake .
21 In the slow bits , I moved away from Emily and waggled my ears .
22 Tunnels branched off to right and left : these led to other pill-boxes .
23 The people of the district rose up in arms and reinstated the abbot , but their triumph was short-lived .
24 So the classificatory struggles involved both on supply and demand side here take a particularly complex form .
25 There is also a Segregation Unit , used both for punishment and to isolate men for their own protection or for other reasons ; a hospital unit , and a hostel from which eleven men can work in the town during the day , returning to the prison each night .
26 He squared up to Peter and punched him lightly on the shoulder .
27 Miss Twelves moved later to Keswick and founded the Ruskin Linen Industry and Mrs Pepper continued the work at Elterwater .
28 For a time we fished quietly , and then I moved carefully behind Moely and knocked him into the water .
29 She still felt full of inner disquiet as the car zigzagged out of town and started to wind its way up to her host 's home .
30 I headed out of town and found the path through the woods where earlier I had seen the white hound running .
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