Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] [conj] [pron] had [adv] " in BNC.

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1 On the day of the Station sports I tried harder than I had ever tried in any of my events , and the results were exactly as predicted by old Doc Whittingham " not in the first three , could make fourth if he really tries hard enough " ( which could be the story of my life ) .
2 If they did consent , and accepted the money — it was good pay for this area — they wandered off before he had half finished , not wanting to be classed as figures of fun like him .
3 D maintained throughout that he had not intended to kill , but there was evidence from which the jury could infer — and did infer — that he intended to cause grievous bodily harm .
4 But in the short run , as John Donne observed , men lived and believed just as they had before .
5 Oh you had chips then you came home and you had bloody
6 We learnt later that they had also advised her neighbours to take out a summons against her for noise nuisance .
7 The day I came back and I had n't seen .
8 Some of us , including yourself , Creggan , came here before they had ever learnt to hunt , or even to fly .
9 The IRA admitted yesterday that it had mistakenly killed secretary Clare Mallender instead of their intended victim , Alan Dysart , the junior Defence minister , by planting a bomb aboard Mr Dysart 's yacht … .
10 Henry , taken aback , replied weakly that he had not had carnal relations with Anne 's mother .
11 Joseph looked up with a start and nodded vigorously although he had n't heard a word his father had said .
12 It turned out that they had instead invested in an airline which never took off , a college that had no students , and a luxury yacht .
13 We would have only McGurk 's word for what happened subsequently if I had not positioned my ear by the keyhole of his office .
14 Instead he glanced at her delicate china tea-cup and saucer and marvelled afresh that he had never , in all his life , actually seen her eat .
15 That week Hannah and I worked harder than we had ever worked in our lives before , but at last all was ready .
16 Between March and June 1984 , he worked harder than he had ever worked in his life .
17 HOWARD Davies , 41 , director-general designate of the CBI , confessed yesterday that he had once been a member of the Labour party , but regretted it as a ‘ bizarre incident ’ .
18 I rang up cos they had n't rang me back er , oh !
19 Mme Fournier was still in the car , she called out that she had only come to deliver a message .
20 A total of 40.7% of respondents chose their last holiday on the basis that they had done the same before and enjoyed it ; 19.7% went somewhere where they had always wanted to go ; and 17.9% went on a word-of-mouth recommendation .
21 He was not clear about it , had no notion of his objective or destination ; he knew only that he had once felt filled with high sense of purpose , that aimlessness had not then been his condition , but a starry conviction .
22 For a while my self-loathing and judgement of self went deeper than they had ever been in my life .
23 And then that one fell through because they had n't done the repairs on , so they gen us this flat .
24 Sarah and Terry had no alternative but she and John could have had months of courtship before he went away if it had not been for his stubbornness .
25 Aunt Lou 's house looked exactly as it had always done .
26 Twice he was called to the telephone just before the curtain went up and he had long intense conversations with his hand over the mouthpiece .
27 He knew also that he had n't the right to refuse .
28 After 1983 , the ‘ frontiers of the state ’ were , in this respect at least , rolled back as they had not been since 1945 .
29 Yes indeed , she knew now if she had ever gone to the Ragged School that 's what would have happened .
30 She could n't remember whether the stories were true or not , but she thought dimly that they had both hoped they were .
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