Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] [conj] [pron] [verb] into " in BNC.

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1 He was talking to James , and stopped abruptly when she came into the room .
2 Do you remember Stephen the gardener , and darling Bessie your nanny who still writes to me , and whom we found again when we went into Burma on our way home from Australia ?
3 Then she held Demian in her arms and they danced together until they dissolved into one another in the storm .
4 Then , as she climbed in and he slid into the driver 's seat beside her , he turned to look at her .
5 ‘ There 's nothing wrong with nursing , Constance , ’ Louise replied sharply as they walked into the butcher 's .
6 Now the rattle and roar of the tube faded abruptly as it surfaced into bright sunlight .
7 ‘ Ja , ’ Gina acknowledged faintly as they emerged into the street .
8 ‘ What 's the problem ? ’ she asked briskly as she walked into the room .
9 Claire got up when he came into the kitchen .
10 He read the leading articles in less than five minutes , noticed the news of a friend 's death , and then settled down to solve a crossword puzzle in the Daily Telegraph , which he finished just as we steamed into Baker Street .
11 A GIRL was critically ill last night after her mother walked away as she fell into the River Thames .
12 Richie Lowell glanced up as they came into his office and then pushed his spectacles up into his greying hair .
13 ‘ The coast 's clear , ’ Rob whispered conspiratorially as he came into Merrill 's room .
14 At our local market I stocked up on walnuts , satsumas and last-minute presents of leather goods , then on Christmas Day the sun blazed down as we tucked into a roast chicken and raised glasses of cheap local champagne .
15 And this is how I started off before I got into trouble .
16 ’ His words trailed off and I went into his office .
17 ‘ We 've got them , we 've got them ! ’ she called excitedly as she burst into the room waving a large manila envelope .
18 It had n't taken them long , but she knew instinctively as they hurried into the hollow gloom of the station that they had missed yet another train .
19 She kept on until she ran into a wall of loose boards .
20 The liner went in with no hassle at all , and I was grateful for Absat 's superior flexibility when the hose went on and I went into the rapidly filling hole to smooth out the creases .
21 You wo n't — wo n't — ’ Her voice died away and she slipped into sleep again .
22 Robins looked offside as he galloped into a chasm of space created by lively winger Ruel Fox .
23 All 155 passengers and 12 crew of the Pakistan International Airlines Airbus on Flight 268 from Karachi to Katmandu died instantly when it slammed into the Tinpane mountain 10 miles from Tribhuvan Airport on Monday .
24 Auck Auckland and we went there and we went into this restaurant well believe it or not , I 've never seen food like that , I mean Joy asked for a leg of lamb , I did n't say leg of lamb , I had the cod pieces
25 He seemed disappointed and I soon saw why when I got into the main hall .
26 And something else ; something he saw as the curtain tore away and he looked into the depths of the unbelievable face above him , fractionally dulled his reflexes .
27 They did n't play loud ; they played where they could hear each other in the studio , and that natural leakage — as I learned later when I got into engineering — actually helped to blend the tonal quality . ’
28 His head fell to the side ; his cheek to the canvas of the deck chair , and his feet slowly slipped forward as he fell into a deep sleep .
29 She spun round as he strolled into view behind her .
30 Robyn stood at the open door and glared furiously as he got into his car and reversed away .
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