Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] [adv] that [pron] had " in BNC.

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1 The Collector 's hands trembled so badly that he had to rest the telescope on the shattered window sill .
2 Luke moved so fast that she had no time to back away as he turned her into his arms and held her to him , so close that she could feel the hard outline of his thighs through the damp towel , the heavy steady beat of his heart against her breast .
3 I realised just now that you had to be the one to finish it . ’
4 It seemed long ago that she had left her teenage years behind and faced college and a job with determination .
5 I replied rather coldly that I had not drunk alcohol since 1939 , and that it had been my hope that we should stop somewhere where I could wash up generally , relieve myself and have a little rest .
6 It was only when Gould declared on 28 February 1837 , that Darwin 's island specimens of the Galapagos mocking bird differed so profoundly that they had to be categorised as three completely distinct species , that the alarm bells began to ring .
7 Some studies stated quite explicitly that they had chosen to study young men only because they felt that as male ethnographers they could only portray the male point of view .
8 Full of good intentions I declared quite sincerely that I had a dog in my rucksack .
9 Wigan began so explosively that they had raced into a 34–0 lead within a mere 20 minutes as they ran in six memorable tries .
10 When in 1857 something new began to grow in Nova Scotia Gardens , financed by Angela Burdett-Coutts at the prompting of Dickens , the residents protested so vehemently that they had to be pacified by the architect and restrained by the law .
11 People marvelled at the way Lilly Foley ran such an elegant home when she had five rugby-playing lads to deal with , and marvelled even more that she had kept the handsome John Foley at her side .
12 ‘ Damian knew right away that it had to be Japan or nothing .
13 She knew that she should extend some kind of apology herself , but she knew equally well that she had no intention of doing any such thing .
14 How far all this was homesickness or a defensive strategy against ( anticipated ? ) rejection by the surrounding community , or just sheer stubbornness , I now ca n't tell , but I knew even then that it had nothing to do with the world in which I was trying to live .
15 First , the defendant might argue that he believed in the victim 's consent since she permitted penetration although he knew full well that she had no understanding of the act .
16 Quite clearly , Paul Fisher thought she had reported him to his superior , but she knew full well that she had n't .
17 She knew very well that he had always regretted marrying her when he could have had Martha , and secretly longed that the family feud could be ended .
18 I found her so refreshing — amusing and extrovert — and knew very quickly that we had something special . ’
19 Arthur watched him , pulled in his stomach , listened to the loudspeaker to hear how the performing dog was doing , and thought seriously enough that he had n't seen Fred so exhilarated since last August at Blackpool .
20 He remembered very clearly that she had made him look a fool .
21 She wished even harder that she had gone with him .
22 My contract said very clearly that I had to have complete control of the making of the film , so I asked Darryl Zanuck if he would please replace me and I would give him the necessary time to find someone else .
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