Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] [verb] [prep] the next " in BNC.

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1 Any decent sized salmon would be bound to show itself as it moved around waiting for the next tide to free it .
2 Although first reactions to Linnaeus were usually unfavourable , on account of his egoistic nature , his visit helped to create an understanding on which goodwill and confidence were built , and his system of classification , based on the number of sexual parts in the flowers , became generally accepted within the next thirty years .
3 Blaise Cendrars , the writer , saw Modigliani let fall a twenty-franc note one evening when a well-known pauper came in to sit at the next table .
4 This may have brought comfort to some but statistically it was as risky as playing Russian roulette , and I laid off smoking for the next seven years .
5 The Livingstones and Crichtons did this in 1439 , when they seized James II and then settled down to squabble for the next decade ; the Boyds did the same thing with James III ; and Angus found time , despite his matrimonial problems with Margaret Tudor , to get possession of James V in 1526 and dominate politics for the last two years of the minority .
6 Putting the thoughts out of his head , he settled back to wait for the next people who could keep the Americans busy .
7 William realised he would have to handle the unloading alone if the van did not arrive in the next few minutes .
8 One , Catherine Barton , absconded after supper by climbing over the wall and did not return until the next morning after 7 o'clock .
9 This certainly did not apply to the next great dog of influence on the British show scene : Ch.
10 If a prisoner did not apply in the next term after execution to receive the benefit of the Act , he lost it .
11 We cooked dinner , packed up things we did not need over the next two days and had a group meeting to discuss the itinerary for our journey home .
12 Just how wicked she did n't realise until the next weekend , when she was on nights covering the regular night sister who was on holiday .
13 the turn of the leaf did n't go into the next quarter .
14 In fact they did n't stop until the next step in Patel emigration — their expulsion from East Africa .
15 That new leaf did n't going into the next quarter and
16 He did n't come till the next day , he had so many calls , and all the same — sick children .
17 I did n't know till the next we er till the weekend and he made me know as I 'd swore .
18 Then more feet , the slam of a door , the surge of power as the Rover shot away to look at the next corner .
19 I had n't bargained for the next difficulty : ‘ It wo n't work , ’ he commented , ‘ because my son smokes and he 'll take pity on me and give me one when I run out . ’
20 The patient recovered but needed further glucose infusions for recurring hypoglycaemia and remained somewhat confused for the next 48 h .
21 Furious , she sat down to wait for the next vehicle .
22 It would benefit no one if we all sat around moping for the next week .
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