Example sentences of "[vb past] [pron] could [verb] [pos pn] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I even found I could hold her head and pet her while she threw up .
2 I noticed I could see my breath .
3 Campbell believed he could strengthen his hand by making an example of a council member in order to demonstrate where power lay .
4 And as soon as the bell went I could release my energy .
5 It was important to me that I did tell them individually because on their own I felt I could get their attention and having to explain why I felt like this , but more than that , I wanted them to fully understand that all of a sudden I was n't a lesbian whose name was Carla — I was still Carla , except that I just had different feelings .
6 I thought I could feel his disgust penetrating the thin wall .
7 He was so full of life , it was — well , you felt you could light your cigarette off him . ’
8 Bawden lived in that house for 30 years , and no one who went there could forget its atmosphere , partly created by its English artists ' eccentricity of decor .
9 Marketing their clubs as exclusive establishments with a championship-standard course and a five star hotel-standard clubhouse , the money men felt they could pitch their joining fee at £10,000 or £25,000 and even charge £1,000 annual dues on top .
10 The fact that Englishmen were upset at what the Sons of Temperance did and that American crusaders felt they could advance their cause by rousing English opinion show the degree to which a common culture had survived the political separation of the previous century .
11 The colonial assemblies saw themselves as bodies parallel to the House of Commons and they felt they could use their authority over finance to control the royal governors .
12 They thought they could regain his soul by sorcery , and so they devoted all of their time to weaving a spell to do so .
13 That meant he could project his spirit as he slept , and wander the material world and even the spirit lands .
14 I felt he could stop his pulse if he wanted to and induce his own death .
15 Once again he was ignoring Mitch and she felt he could read her mind .
16 Peter just could n't resist young blondes , and being the boss he knew he could take his pick — until he met Vanessa …
17 RELAXING AFTER The Searchers but still masterly , this is Howard Hawks ' critique of High Noon , arguing a true professional like Wayne would n't waste his time begging amateurs for help and would only go up against superior odds if he thought he could cheat his way to victory .
18 I believe Martinho thought he could secure his brother a position not unlike his own ; save his life at least .
19 He thought he could talk his way out of this easily enough surrounded by educated people of a less prejudiced kind than Dr Kingsley .
20 In 1971 he thought he could help his brother in his illness by writing about their childhood .
21 The message read that she had been in the hotel that night ; that she had met David ; that a tape had been taken of the conversation ; that if he thought he could arrest her brother and charge him with murder , he should now try ; that , if he thought he could intern her whilst completely innocent , he should now try ; that several persons had listened to the conversation in the hotel that night and that one was an Ulster MP .
22 City of London magistrates fined him for the refusal but ruled he could keep his licence .
23 An ex-IBMer on a British Rail sleeper recently complained he could put his VISA card into a machine somewhere 35,000 feet up , and put his computer in-bleeper to the phone mouthpiece , and it would automatically dial up his E-mail and give him his messages .
24 Wendy said I could borrow her dress .
25 She said I could have her tenancy . ’
26 That 's it , if Derek said I could use his name for a reference
27 I mean Terry said I could use his office but
28 And then he looked , when he put it out he looked over to me and said I could see your face Irene .
29 Oh you said you could get me juice .
30 But they could find no food so she set out to walk to Trnopolje , where she hoped she could feed her baby .
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