Example sentences of "[vb past] [pron] that [pers pn] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It just completely changed everything that I thought about music .
2 Surely someone told them that it rained in Scotland .
3 They told me that they came from the country near Lagrimone and that they had obtained permission to come to pray in the Santuario for their cousin who was fighting in Russia .
4 My parents once told me that they lived on the Canary Islands for a little while but I do n't think I was born just yet .
5 Martin Martin notes that on a small rocky island to the south of Skye there is ‘ a great quantity of scurvey-grass , of an extraordinary size , and very thick ; the natives eat it frequently , as well boiled as raw : two of them told me that they happened to be confined there for the space of thirty hours , by a contrary wind ; and being without victuals , fell to eating this scurvey-grass , and finding it of a sweet taste , far different from the land scurvey-grass , they ate a large basketful of it , which did abundantly satisfy their appetites until their return home ’ .
6 ‘ One more thing — Matthew Choak told me that he went to Penzance on Friday night to see the film , Straw Dogs .
7 Dennis told me that he lived in North Oxford , but that was geographical hyperbole .
8 When he told me that he wanted to be an actor like Owen Jones , I was very surprised but instinctively excited and challenged .
9 They let me have one last look and told me that it belonged to someone in another band — which made me feel really guilty .
10 And my sister told me that she met with him after Mass this morning and he gave her an envelope . "
11 Luke told me that she died in a car accident some time ago .
12 She endured his company , that was all ; he told himself that she behaved in all ways like a young lady : it would not have been proper for her to show more feeling .
13 Dr Neil was not in any way surprised at McAllister 's reaction to his lovemaking ; he expected such modesty from a well brought up young girl , and her arms around his neck , her timid responses , fluttering though they were , told him that she felt for him what he felt for her , and further inflamed his own passion , while warning him to go gently .
14 At first she told him that she wanted to be near her cousin Freddy , in the Engineers .
15 Only the mouth told him that he looked on the face of his friend .
16 She told him that he had to be successful and then she made it impossible for him .
17 He laughed back when I told him that I came from a poor barrio in Britain and that we were no longer referred to as people either .
18 I just told her that she looked like everyone else , although I 'm sure that was n't what she wanted to hear .
19 He told us that he expected to be posted to the front at some time in the next few weeks but he would still be home by Christmas ; an officer had told him that the bloody Huns would have been sent packing long before then .
20 Her sturdy common sense , the downright attitude to life which never ceased to surprise him , the constant loving references to a papa and a mama who sounded remarkably practical themselves , even if they had spoiled their beautiful daughter , informed him that she came from a background very unlike any that Dr Neil had ever encountered .
21 But the fire in her body when she lay in bed thinking of him that night warned her that she had to be strong or she would n't be able to reject him if he tried again .
22 It so fascinated me that I stopped in the middle of the subway .
23 Ah yes , but now that 's very interesting because that 's not the same as was the old regulation with the H N D recognition with Napier , and it used to be as I understood it that you had to actually be in membership and leave a period of time between doing the certificate and the diploma .
24 Rokeya 's flat was so precisely as Lee remembered it that she felt as if no time had passed between the last time she had been inside it and the present day .
25 In the early 1980s , because of her past connection with the military establishment , intellectuals tended to shun her and rumours had it that she worked for the Chinese KGB , the Ministry of State Security .
26 They were shown round by a Père Obein whose calm wisdom and urbanity so impressed them that he remained for them a touchstone of good sense .
27 He also contrived to marry several times , on one occasion to a shrewish wench who so exasperated him that he leapt upon her and gave her such a beating that she held her peace thereafter .
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