Example sentences of "[vb past] [pron] was at the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She just had to turn out , and there was nothing coming down , foot down , opened up , got I was at the top of the hill and she was nowhere in sight .
2 The guy was probably dead when we tipped him into the shaft — we just assumed he was at the time though the older I got the less sure of that I was — but even if was n't , he must have been killed when he hit the bottom ; it 's thirty metres at least .
3 For a minute she did n't know where she was and , as she realised she was at the farm , fear stayed firmly with her .
4 I thought I was at the office . ’
5 The next time I saw her was at the crematorium .
6 Before his reign the site would have been on the southernmost borders of the empire ; when he died it was at the empire 's heart .
7 He felt he was at the heart not just of Royalbion House , not even of London , but of the entire cosmos .
8 Next thing I knew he was at the door , insisting that I accept the invitation and asking me if I was prepared to make another documentary with him !
9 did n't like us , oh no , no , no matter where we went there was always , there was n't trouble like there is now , I mean there was no violence as such you know , but we thought it was at the time , you know , they were n't very nice to us at all
10 All her father remembered about his grandfather was that he was a dour man and that the only relaxation he ever gave himself was at the races .
11 In November 1952 Karajan made what was at the time a celebrated recording of Bach 's B minor Mass .
12 Kate wished she was at the pantomime .
13 Maman said it was at the back , the other way from the bathroom end of the corridor .
14 But you said he was at the bottom of the stairs I was at the top and you were in his office
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