Example sentences of "[vb past] [pron] as if [pron] have " in BNC.

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1 Roman dropped his arm from her shoulders , faced her as if he 'd just returned , mentally , from some distant place .
2 Every room in the house contained some form of Bible and I took up a large ancient looking one and opened it as if it had been a door into a cave .
3 Old Joseph was glad he kept the Christmas cards from his son and daughter in 1987 , for every year since then he has taken them out and displayed them as if they had come in with the post .
4 Down in the hold he 'd cracked his shins on the bumper of a small green car and she 'd laughed at his face and kissed him as if he 'd been a kid and for a moment he was thirteen and being hugged by Dave 's big sister , who was certainly large and confusing to thirteen year olds .
5 Bad enough to feel the way she did , let alone have to spend time with a man who treated her as if she 'd just crawled from under a stone .
6 Her friend greeted her as if she had never been away , so the guilt evaporated and she began to talk about Nicky .
7 I just said it as if I 'd known it all along .
8 At the hotel , Salah greeted us as if we had returned from the dead , pumping our hands and laughing , " Crazy English , crazy English . "
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