Example sentences of "[vb past] [pron] be still [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The American star , at No. 37 with Neighbour , pretended he was still at college even though he had left to lead the life of a beach bum .
2 Samantha woke and for a split second imagined she was still at home , still free to stretch and rise and walk and wash , still at liberty to heed her instincts and indulge her whims .
3 The last I heard you were still in Gloucester with the Empress Matilda , so , whether fitzAlan loves you also or has yet to lose interest in your pretty face and form , he will come for you .
4 ‘ I think the only thing now which would prevent his marrying her was if he discovered he was still in love with your niece . ’
5 ‘ Her flashing her tits and I never knew she was still at school .
6 She knew she was still on trial , despite his efforts to appear at ease .
7 He said , ‘ I thought you were still in Domme , Uncle .
8 I heard kettle and I thought he 's still in house , him .
9 Shoppers at the Gateway supermarket in Hinckley , Leicester , thought he was still at work and ignored him .
10 Oh I thought he was still at Wellingborough
11 Never mind the divorce statistics , an encouraging 92% of those married , or living with their partners , said they are still in love .
12 ‘ Fuck it , you said they were still in New Orleans . ’
13 Although East Germany managed to staunch the flow on the eve of its 40th birthday , observers said it was still in danger of bleeding slowly to death , or of suffering convulsions brought on by repression on its streets .
14 Allen said he was still in love with Soon-Yi , Mia 's 21-year-old adopted daughter .
15 Linda Baughan , Donald 's sister-in-law , said he was still in love with his wife and had begged her not to divorce him .
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