Example sentences of "[vb past] [pron] [vb infin] back [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 This telephone call made me think back over the years .
2 ‘ The horse has a long neck , and that helped me get back in the saddle , ’ he added .
3 And even as he gave up , as he let himself lean back against the wall , he was holding on , knowing he had backed down and it was over , but doing it gradually so we would n't see the change come over him .
4 She let it fall back into the water when she heard what John had told Larry .
5 She prayed , and took up vegetarianism , more as an extra religion than as part of the war effort ; after a while she made herself go back to the hospital , and eventually she found Higher Mathematics .
6 Rachaela made herself look back at the white face of her child .
7 Something in her voice made him ease back on the throttle , decide not to pass the Renault Turbo lorry he 'd been stalking .
8 He saw himself look back along the train and then remember the first premonition .
9 At a speed that neither could match Louisa and Horrocks saw him hasten back down the lake .
10 oh , I did n't know you 've lost it when did you go back to the cinema ?
11 when did you go back to the cinema then ?
12 Ye a an after you 'd done that did you remain at the exit door or did you come back into the ?
13 Did you come back from the villa specially for me ? ’
14 ‘ What time did you get back to the house ? ’
15 ‘ What time did you get back to the caravan ? ’
16 ‘ When did you get back to the house ? ’
17 Did she go back to the name Tatham ? ’
18 You 've got to watch that you see , did it revolve back on the children .
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