Example sentences of "[vb past] [pron] [vb infin] [pron] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He made them put it in the garden shed . ’
2 The orchestra was not playing it in time , so I made them rehearse it at a slower tempo .
3 Now why , what made them take it to the stage
4 Two explosions in quick succession made me throw myself to the ground .
5 Apart from that , there 's a certain justification for the MC4 clasping the live album nettle — given that it was their constant , sometimes belligerent belief in gigging that helped them establish themselves in the first place .
6 She let him accompany her into the small lounge where the set was kept in segregation from the vocal and gregarious fishermen , and settle her in a comfortable chair , cheek by jowl with a single elderly lady , who seemed pleased to have company , and disposed to conversation .
7 It protested at once , so she let him carry her to the living-room .
8 She let him drown her in the deep water , too weak even to raise her hands to cling to him .
9 But she let him help her into a chair .
10 ‘ What malicious thoughts made you trap me in the library ? ’ asked Mr Fractor .
11 Well I have n't said , her , heard anybody say anything about the grand old tradition of switching on the television set , and I 've a horrible feeling that er that th that the one day in the year when people want to get together with their families probably means switching off the television set .
12 I was the one who mucked up his texts worse than any of the others , that 's what made him notice me in the first place . ’
13 When Nigel was at home , Gina usually made him take them to the Launderette in a black dust bag .
14 And her suppliant 's face , round and even in this twilight , thickly flushed in the hectic way that he had seen before , repulsed him and made him take her by the arm she had raised and move it like a detached limb back to her side .
15 The men motioned me to go away , and after they had looked at Jordi 's papers I saw them escort him to a car .
16 She heard a muttered curse , she saw a shadow across the french window at the end of the room , she felt someone catch her round the waist and drag her to the ground .
17 She felt him gather himself like a beast on the powerful springs of its limbs .
18 In one week I listened to the English boy singing the praises of my dark colouring and frizzy hair , felt him kiss me on the cheek with obvious pleasure whenever I cooked a meal and when I came in from work , or when we sat watching television together , and found him waiting for me at the end of the road when I was late back for some reason .
19 As she went upstairs she saw him toss something in a little glass down his throat in one gulp and she saw the swollen nicotine-stained fingers and the watery bad-tempered eyes .
20 I saw him flush it down the toilet so that no-one will laugh at his spotty chest in the showers !
21 Knew directly I saw him put her in a wheel-chair that we 'd a cardiac on our hands .
22 ‘ Hey lads , ’ he would shout as he pushed his head through the door , ‘ Did I tell you about the cover from ‘ What Difference … ’ ?
23 Why was n't you in registration or did I tell you about the blooming black board ?
24 Why was n't you in registration or did I tell you about the blooming black board ?
25 Did I tell you about the cocktail that Sal told me called erm
26 ‘ I knew , the moment I put the phone down from making that call to England , that not only did I love you with every breath of my being , but there was no way that I could take your being married to anyone but me . ’
27 Only after leaving did I glimpse myself in the mirror .
28 ‘ Never , ’ writes Boswell , ‘ did I see him in a better frame ; calm , gentle , wise , holy ’ — with Johnson opining that the essence of the Crucifixion lay in showing to the world that even the Son of God suffered on account of sin , and in doing so , displayed how heinous a thing sin must be .
29 Why did I see it in a story ?
30 Did I see anything of the riots ?
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