Example sentences of "[vb past] [pron] [noun sg] [prep] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 When I fought my way up the brae and saw all the council houses I almost turned back dismissing the possibility of there being any evidence of older architecture .
2 I made my way through the crowds to Farr 's in Brown Street , managed to get right up to the entrance and poke my head around the door to see what was going on .
3 The German mortars were exploding on the other side of the wood as I clambered out of the trench and made my way through the trees in the direction of the road .
4 I made my way through the trees to the farmyard , four Commandos were stacking ammunition against the farmhouse wall .
5 As I made my way through the trees in the direction of the village and Brigade H.Q there were several loud explosions a short distance away to my right , followed by a loud burst of automatic fire .
6 I collected up the pipes and made my way through the trees in the direction of NO. 3 Commando .
7 There was an angel watching over me , as someone had once predicted in my childhood when she read my fortune in the tea-leaves , in my cup of white china with the gilt shamrock on the rim and in the centre of the saucer .
8 I jerked my head towards the stairs , having already clocked the sign saying Intensive Care 4th Floor , and Les Girls followed me without breaking step .
9 But I have been divorced 30 years and know I 'd feel the same as the man who was jailed if I found my wife in the arms of someone else .
10 As she drew her finger along the initials , her stomach clenched and her eyes misted .
11 She jerked her head in the uniforms ' direction .
12 He drew their attention to the goods in shop windows , to the cooking-stoves and washing-machines in the windows of the electricity showrooms .
13 At intervals an enemy horseman might appear at the edge of the village to gaze through a spyglass at the Dutch positions , but no attacks followed such reconnaissances , no skirmishers wormed their way through the fields , and no cannon crashed shell or roundshot at the fragile Dutch lines .
14 This chapter has considered the important topic of money : we examined the definition of money , its functions and traced its evolution from the days of the goldsmiths .
15 A few cars honked their way through the crowds and cyclists rang their bells .
16 Newton Aycliffe 's Christine Brunskill also avenged her defeat at the hands of Middlesbrpugh and Cleveland Harrier Marie Stansmore .
17 She groaned and moved her head under the bedcovers so that the sunshine streaming far too cheerfully through the uncurtained window did n't blind her .
18 Many of the medical supporters of the legislation had a history of involvement in hospital and sanitary work among the poor , as local medical officers and poor law doctors — work which reinforced their commitment to the acts as part of the wider politics of public health .
19 It became unsafe and found its way between the wars to Newton .
20 In the mornings he worked in the kitchen while his aunt baked or cooked or sewed ; here in the evenings he absorbed the sense of the impact of new industries on an older more settled way of life which , much later , found its way into the stories and sketches of his best Welsh work , Rest and Unrest and Light and Twilight .
21 Roman fides found its way into the coins of Locri about 274 B.C. ( B. V. Head , Historia Numorum , 104 ) ; the devotio of Decius at Sentinum apparently attracted the attention of the contemporary historian Duris ( 76 F 56 Jacoby ) ; the exemplary rebuke of a Roman matrona to her son was reported by Callimachus in his Aetia ( fr. 107 Pfeiffer ) .
22 Maybe the parties foolishly signed a pact which then found its way into the hands of the DTI .
23 Somehow it found its way into the hands of a government minister , and he got in touch with us . ’
24 Vast amounts of money were made through Cornish tin but very little found its way to the tinners themselves .
25 The Workers ' Party conference had also confirmed the continued existence of the Official Irish Republican Army ( IRA ) , which ceased its campaign in Northern Ireland in 1972 , at which time its political wing , Official Sinn Féin , changed its name to the Workers ' Party .
26 I have left till last what may well be considered by book-collectors one of the most charming fields of ephemera collecting — that of the chapbook , so called from the chapman or pedlar in whose pack so many of these small publications found their way through the shires of England .
27 Where it licked the Wizards ' Quarter it burned blue and green and was even laced with strange sparks of the eighth colour , octarine ; where its outriders found their way into the vats and oil stores all along Merchant Street it progressed in a series of blazing fountains and explosions ; in the streets of the perfume blenders it burned with a sweetness ; where it touched bundles of rare and dry herbs in the storerooms of the drugmasters it made men go mad and talk to God .
28 Whatever the merits of this argument , what it points to is the way in which the complexities of these tensions found their focus in the questions of sexuality .
29 She was not asking , she was demanding ; but they were all used to her ways and were probably scared of upsetting her in case she changed her mind about the invitations .
30 Coward and others used their analysis of the clusters to define what they term the ‘ research front ’ , which is the set of core journals modelling the current state of active research in a subject field .
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