Example sentences of "[vb past] [pron] [conj] [pron] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 You asked me whether I thought we could trust the boy .
2 This letter is going to be devoted to my affairs in connection with Edward … the other day he asked me if I thought you would care to go for a walk into the country somewhere .
3 Well I did think about it but the Careers Officer advised me no cos he thought that you have to be really really good before y get in and he asked me if I thought I was really good and I said that well I was not too bad but and he said that he thought it would be better to concentrate on something else .
4 He saw the radio propped on the little stool and asked me if I played it while I worked .
5 When he asked me if I played I admitted that I had done so but insisted that I really was very bad .
6 They asked me if I wanted me P forty five framed or unframed .
7 ‘ He asked me if I wanted it .
8 That was me and Desmond , we duplicated them and he printed them out for something like £150 each .
9 Oh I got them but I mean I ai n't brought them with me .
10 thing early in the week out with him and he did n't know how to operate it , so half the tapes , I mean we checked them because he 's he 's got ta write down who is speaking on on those tapes
11 We seated ourselves and I watched her cut her muffins into quarters .
12 We seated ourselves and he regarded us expectantly , so I opened with , ‘ Can you tell me all about lymphomas and can I see a lymph node ? ’
13 For his part he noticed , not the dress but the slender-waisted , full-breasted figure it adorned ; the pretty face and the abundant dark hair which the bonnet framed ; the large amber eyes which met his as he helped her in .
14 Bits yes well Georgina round the corner apparently she has the lot new , because the bank moved them and they paid her and it was over four hundred pounds .
15 ‘ Old Amos botched me when he made me from his seed .
16 ‘ She phoned me after you interviewed her and said she guessed you 'd found out about the affair — to warn me .
17 Yes and she phoned me and she said I feel as though I dropped out of the bottom of the world she said .
18 Yes , and she phoned me and she said I feel as though I dropped out of the bottom of the world she said , you know , I just do n't see anybody , I said well of course you were working on Mondays , you see she used to have Mondays to herself and I would often go round on a Monday afternoon and , we , we could talk , but that 's gone and I said I ca n't run in at half past five when you get home from school and chat to you because Ned will be coming home at six and I do n't want to be there all that often when he 's there erm its you know , its just happened and I also thought to myself and I 'm probably going to move a lot further away then Fen Lane .
19 I designed them and I service them .
20 ‘ I thought he was laughing at me , that he did n't want to see me , but then he stopped me and he made me a little bow , just like a real gentleman , and gave me a present , as if he did care .
21 He found you but I suppose you do n't remember . ’
22 The Bishop of Lincoln thought it ridiculous that this powerful engine which was Michael Ramsey should be used in a tiny little parish , and said so , but blessed him when he found he wanted to go .
23 And he said I was completely confused and I could n't , he said I was trying to shout my wife and erm and , er , you know my mouth would n't work , he said , but she said fortunately she looked through the window and er found him and they took him to hospital .
24 You found him and you entered him .
25 Then they beat him with the pipes once again , but when they realized that he had managed to keep his secrets from them , that this small Englishman was not for talking , they turned on him in their fury and kicked and beat him until they feared they had killed him .
26 ‘ One more thing ! ’ his voice stopped her before she made it through to the other side .
27 His voice stopped her before she reached it , however , and a smile crazily beamed its way up from her toes when , ‘ Want to walk with me ? ’ he drawled .
28 The teenager tried to run away when the youths approached him but they punched him in the face and pushed him to the ground .
29 gave me an unofficial interview at his cottage , but I offended him when I said I really wanted to study French !
30 I entered it because I thought it would increase my confidence ; once you 've walked down a catwalk in a swimsuit , you can face most things .
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