Example sentences of "[vb past] [pron] [adv] [conj] i [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ They beat him badly and I do n't know what to do . ’
2 I started off with the three men in the middle of the park Saturday , we changed it round because I think we needed an extra striker at the Wolves , and I did n't think we played that badly .
3 And we used to er do a food run down and they used to come up and erm And then we went along to a to a lodge meeting th the men invited us along and I remember one of the comments back in September from one of the men was , Oh well I 'm gon na be nagged back to work soon .
4 ‘ They have offered me no protection and told me bluntly if I do n't like the job I can quit . ’
5 Andrew showed me how and I fancy that
6 I hated it then and I hate it now .
7 I heard him here and I think our people was well impressed in some respect .
8 Erm Roosevelt was er despite the er rather unusual route to the presidency , really rather a good president but he had a , he had a very particular view of the presidency which was one which he shared with Lincoln but he took up Lincoln 's arguments and , and developed it further and I quote from er Roosevelt 's autobiography , which is rather more revealing than most autobiographies , erm Roosevelt was n't modest I should say in case you , if you wonder when I read you something .
9 ‘ I enjoyed myself immensely and I hope I did myself proud . ’
10 The article on Flettner 's rotors ( ’ Critics in a spin over Flettner 's ships ’ , 10 March , p 6561 interested me greatly but I feel that another , better form of wind propulsion for ships is either unknown or is being ignored .
11 Lili watched me thoughtfully as I put on my skirt and blouse .
12 I called you over because I want you to look after the new lady .
13 We talked it over and I 've decided to let you 'ave five pounds .
14 But once I 'd given them to him I never saw them again so I imagine he must have burnt them .
15 I sent it off but I have n't had anything back .
16 And the four week old probably understood it better than I do .
17 It is not surprise therefore , that I heard the story there and I related it exactly as I remember hearing it .
18 And she , she had a right go at me yesterday , right , er , this afternoon she goes , oh I took it out before I put me shoe , me foot in it , killjoy
19 and er erm and we discussed it fully and I 've been noting the points down you know but what , what in particular was of interest to you on that er er on that on those discussions ?
20 And Jack of course went ran her out once I think .
21 Oh I I mean I have n't been I had it on but I put it off because it was
22 Tom then hit his tee-shot in a fury and he struck it further than I go on holidays .
23 Well personally I mean erm Margaret impressed me greatly but I think John was inclined to be full of his own importance for one thing .
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