Example sentences of "[vb past] [pron] [verb] down [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 We 're told it 's a very close thing , the decision not to participate erm and there were certain technical and theoretical reasons , I think , that led them to come down on the side of not .
2 I had not looked through those volumes for many years , until these recent developments led me to get down from the shelf the Devon and Cornwall volume once more .
3 Lee knocked again , and this time the door was immediately opened and he found himself staring down into the large black barrels of a sawn-off shotgun .
4 Mary found herself looking down at the small dapper figure of Sidney Watkins , manager of the Berkeley Chase for the last ten years .
5 So she changed direction again and found herself walking down to the prom and out along the beach to Seal Sands Lock .
6 One morning , Santa found him lying down on the snow , staring at a dead flower with tears dropping off his little cheeks .
7 Officers found him face down in the undergrowth minutes after his wife reported him missing on Wednesday night .
8 The handshake was a stupid idea as she was still holding Darren , but she let him slide down to the floor and we shook .
9 He slung his cloak of feathers over the staff and Scathach helped him to sit down in the slight shelter that this garment offered .
10 I helped him sit down on the one centre thwart and arranged his legs as comfortably as possible , Harry cursing and wincing by turns .
11 Ajayi was trying to cultivate the seneschal 's acquaintance ( when her sore leg and stiff back let her get down to the basement levels where he was usually to be found ) whereas Quiss had started out trying to intimidate him .
12 ‘ We 've all got to share , ’ she said , as they passed through the swing doors and found themselves looking down at the courtyard of the Museum .
13 ‘ He made his way along the road until a colleague told him to sit down on the pavement .
14 Mrs Fry went straight to the kitchen , told us to sit down at the table , opened the oven ( split-level cooker , of course ) and got out a huge pot .
15 Then she asked , ‘ What on earth made you go down to the beach ?
16 Charles could have chosen any excuse for the phone call and it was pure chance that he had lighted on the meaningless ‘ numberplate racket ’ I ‘ So that 's what made you drive down in the Datsun , and move the plan forward , and lose a quarter of a million pounds ? ’
17 In fact , he was the one who encouraged me to go down to the Lesbian and Gay Centre in Edinburgh .
18 Maha followed them but Hussa and I threw ourselves face down on the warm , white sand , both of us smiling at the success of the project .
19 Dauntless shambled over to the edge of the stream and threw himself face down on the grass , cupping handfuls of water and throwing it over his head , gulping it greedily .
20 He collected his boarding card and found a seat in the cafeteria that allowed him to look down on the concourse .
21 We heard them settling down in the next room which until then had been empty .
22 Then I heard him call down from the attic for me to open the stairs door wide .
23 She reached up , and kissing him fiercely on the lips , whispered a rhyme she had made up years before : " Tristram Pascoe , Tristram Pascoe , never , never let your lass go ! " — and when they had hugged , she watched him climb nimbly over the wall and heard him jump down into the hayfield on the other side .
24 I thought , when I heard him coming down through the bushes , it could be no one but Tutilo .
25 When he returned he fell down on the floor clutching his heart in an agonia of pain and trembling .
26 With a bright flicker of satisfaction , she watched him slide down into the water , his large body making a flurry of waves ripple the surface .
27 Mandy rushed over , and made her sit down on the couch .
28 You know , she made him sit down in the middle in front of everybody you see
29 Susan made him climb down from the organ and walk over to her , but his uncoordinated limbs reminded her too much of the zombies in Corin Santangelo 's horror Dream Eyeball Gougers from Italy .
30 And she felt herself spiralling down into the fiery darkness .
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