Example sentences of "[vb past] [pron] [verb] [art] [noun sg] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I had the chance to go out when there were only four cars on the track , but I made them change the car which meant I went out in the busy section . ’
2 They were well on the way when he explained : ‘ Barbara asked me to fetch a bag she 's packed .
3 Anyway , we arrived back here just before five and he asked me to keep an appointment he had made with Harry Collins at The Bay View .
4 It is against this background that I approached the construction and which led me to prefer the interpretation which bases the assessment to tax upon the actual cost to the employer rather than the hypothetical cost arrived at by dividing the number of pupils into the total cost of providing full facilities .
5 We also asked them to name the party they thought best on economic matters for themselves and their families , for Britain as a whole , and for the unemployed .
6 We got together a jury of 13 good hairdressers and asked them to nominate the hairdresser they most admired .
7 Not in a very big way , but I 've got an eye for that sort of thing and I told him I would n't split on him if he resigned and helped me choose the successor I wanted .
8 He repeatedly found himself asking the question Who ? — and What ? — was he ?
9 Faithful viewers will recall that last Friday we invited you to nominate the person you thought truly deserved a hero 's luxury weekend in London .
10 She pretended she had no idea what he meant .
11 They were soft slippers , decorated with amethyst for wearing on thick carpets and Hari found herself envying the girl who seemed to have everything in life she could possibly want .
12 With the noise of the water splashing round her head and drumming into the bath , Melissa found herself reliving the time she had spent with Fernand in that dark , echoing cavern .
13 Miss Grimes had certainly been glad of the presents but she had not really seemed as destitute and lonely as Ianthe had expected — perhaps secretly even hoped — and she found herself resenting the way she had taken the violets .
14 What 's more , having themselves expanded to massive premises during that time , Harmony found themselves supporting a business whose sales were being rifled wholesale by cheap(er) imports .
15 By 1937 this was helping to bring into the orbit of Left politics an increasing number of younger , better educated middle-class activists , who found themselves confronting a leadership which still belonged to the 1920s intellectually and was socially based on the older industrial areas and occupations .
16 After a few minutes I unexpectedly found myself singing a song which I was sure I had not sung since Eton days forty years before .
17 ‘ Miss Jarman told thee to take a stroll I suppose , ’ Salt said sarcastically .
18 It pleased him to see the shock his words delivered , and before David could protest , he lied , ‘ You 've been a help to me since my old bones went crook , and I 'll see you get your dues when the time comes .
19 ‘ They were advising me to sell , and it seemed they had a taker who was offering a very generous price .
20 Mary I told her to buy a car you see and she said , she said no , I 'll buy a chair then we can drive on the seat
21 The continuing failure of Labour to present a distinctive alternative to the Tories was indicated strikingly in the opinion poll finding that 40 per cent of electors believed it made no difference which party was in power .
22 And , though I have my suspicions as to the cause , I 'd like to know what made you act the way you did . ’
23 In other words , it put you in a relatively junior position and asked you to solve a problem which was relatively limited in scope .
24 Mrs Gordon ( 61 ) who lives in Kingshurst , West Midlands , and now works at a nursing home , admitted in an official statement released by solicitor Steven Jonas that she had not carried out a smear test before joining Dr Kumar 's practice , but claimed she followed a technique he taught her .
25 The secret which Carol has faithfully kept for more than four months was finally out yesterday as Commander Tim Laurence and his bride-to-be allowed her to claim the credit she deserves .
26 Cornhill Insurance claimed they had no idea who he was and insisted they had no knowledge of his terrorist background at the time of his employment in 1990 .
27 The senior Dutch officer ordered them to extend the territory they occupied to double the previous area .
28 I heard you mention the day you were
29 She heard him release the breath he 'd been holding in a sigh .
30 David Allen was so devoted to his project he dared take Lord Hanson to court , where the judge ordered him to destroy the weir he built on the river Winterbourne in Berkshire .
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