Example sentences of "[vb past] [art] more [conj] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He knew so little about the serf question that at first he thought it involved no more than granting the peasants their personal freedom .
2 At the end of June 1862 , not long after Young Russia and the fires in St Petersburg — and immediately after an attempt on the life of the Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolaevich — Valuev produced a paper on the internal condition of the empire in which he admitted the many difficulties under which the government was labouring but proposed no more than converting the State Council into a somewhat more representative body and bypassing the judicial system to deal with radicals more speedily .
3 The efforts made at that time by Sartre , Camus , Merleau-Ponty et alia to rehabilitate Nizan achieved no more than to illustrate the impossibility of reasoned dialogue with the French communist party at moments of extreme ideological polarisation .
4 He did no more than raise an eyebrow .
5 Gauss 's law is valid , and afterwards we did no more than added the field due to the two charges .
6 Designed to nip in the bud any incipient growth in villages , it was successful , so far as the city was concerned , probably because it did no more than sanction the existing situation , even though in the fifteenth century the trade had flourished at Hartlebury , which remained an important centre of the specialised craft of fulling .
7 It was an old story , and Nicholas did no more than pull a molasses-type face .
8 The sun was shining at two thousand feet , but it did no more than lacquer the fog .
9 Yet the government 's conversion to a policy of favouring industrialization did no more than exacerbate the peasant predicament .
10 Everyone agreed that investiture by lay rulers conferred no spiritual power : it did no more than put a prelate in possession of the rights , lands , and secular dignities of his new office .
11 Indeed he would be doing so if he did no more than move an item from one place on a shelf to another .
12 The G7 members did no more than reassure the financial markets about their readiness to intervene to curb volatility .
13 From what I have said so far it may sound as if the Prague School did no more than restate the Russian Formalists ' theories in more systematic language .
14 ‘ I could never agree to that , ’ he said : he smiled no more and let a silence grow uncomfortable .
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