Example sentences of "[vb past] [art] [noun sg] [adv] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 Finubar of Lothern seemed the prince best suited to understanding this new age .
2 John Wells parked the vehicle then went to an auction in another car .
3 Eliot 's writings on poetry do not contain a systematic theory , but on two matters of principle he adopted a stance strongly opposed to that of Richards : he refused to accept either that poetry consisted in the use of emotive language , or that it was simply a vehicle for communicating the author 's experience to the reader .
4 On 15 October hastening back from Berwick , the king , the earl of Kent , Hugh Despenser the younger , and the rest of the court arrived at Bridlington priory where they spent the night before retreating to Burstwick , in Holderness .
5 Bridgend prop Shaw came over the top at a ruck but Harries pulled his penalty attempt across the posts and five minutes later missed a sitter when the referee reversed a penalty originally awarded to Bridgend .
6 Resist the temptation to head for the gem — build left , hit the switch then return to the block marked 3 .
7 Coy saw the attitude still applied to his old friend .
8 Only rarely did the artist actually go to where he might see exotic species in the wild — and even if he had gone there always , he would probably have found them very hard to see .
9 The play would turn on two questions : did the man officially claimed to be Rudolf Hess really hang himself , and was he Hess at all ?
10 Only when Chuck reloaded and shot a third time did the animal slowly crumple to the ground and roll onto its side , leaving one great horn curving majestically upward above the tall grass .
11 So where did the venison actually go to ?
12 Only in 396 , when Sant' Ambrogio had the remains of the saint brought to the city and placed in the church , did the name finally change to San Nazaro .
13 Over the next day and a half she only left the room twice to go to the toilet .
14 A spokesman for the North Western Health Board said the warning only related to Russian vodka brands bought outside the normal distribution channels .
15 And I said we just come out of the drive went across the road and there was just a bus behind us and erm I said the car almost came to a halt .
16 Mr Hill said the murder still appeared to be motiveless .
17 ‘ In a largely illiterate society this oral epic singing also had the function roughly corresponding to the modern mass media — it spread the political news , much more slowly but perhaps not less reliably than the modern press , radio and television . ’
18 But now , at last , in Lucy he had a person ideally suited to his purposes … a person who was subject to a very powerful propensity .
19 281 , save that it extended a principle previously confined to the husband/wife cases to a case of parents giving security for the debts of their son .
20 He denied it but after she had an abortion allegedly confessed to his wife , who had been too afraid and embarrassed to go to the police .
21 Colin Renfrew On the international scene , archaeology in those years underwent the revolution sometimes referred to as the ‘ new archaeology ’ and has continued , as I see it , with what is now called processual archaeology : the most important component is a much greater concern to make archaeological theory and reasoning methods explicit .
22 As ever when they met , they exchanged warm , friendly smiles , which supposed an equality both knew to be spurious , and intimated chumminess which belied the invariable gravity of their discussions and business together .
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