Example sentences of "[vb past] [art] [noun sg] [prep] [noun] over " in BNC.

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1 In October of that year , Hickson and Jacques joined forces and met the Director of Education over the possibility of a combined approach to the development of adult education which would reflect the recommendations of Circular 1444 .
2 Thus , while the British government shared the concern in Washington over Soviet encouragement of a separatist movement in the northern Iranian province of Azerbaijan in the early months of 1946 , Bevin wisely chose to act merely in parallel with the United States at the UN .
3 She especially distrusted the row of photographs over the fireplace .
4 The decision on the existence of a dispute in Leigh therefore led the court into error over the capacity of a partnership to act as arbitrators .
5 Because its essential expression was money , which merely expresses the relationship of exchange , other forms of expression which demonstrated the domination of persons over persons had to supplement it .
6 Africa Confidential of June 14 said that although 13 members of the government were Issaqs , its membership was " carefully balanced " between the main Issaq sub-clans and other clans ; the delay in appointing the government underlined the lack of agreement over the secession among SNM leaders , some of whom regarded the measure not as final but as merely a " step towards renegotiating the 1960 unification and redressing an unequal relationship " .
7 Policy changes in the 1970s moved the provision for people over retirement age towards a wholly wage-related scheme of insurance .
8 Yet de Gaulle had given the Community a shock and under the ‘ Luxembourg Compromise ’ he retained a power of veto over future important decisions .
9 Even these plans were subject to delay ; in November 1962 , at a special corporation meeting , Alderman James Hegarty moved a vote of censure over delays which meant that 300 out of 500 houses planned in the autumn of 1960 had been delayed .
10 However , this extension of the welfare state was double-edged , because as well as offering services it also involved a measure of control over those who were the recipients of those services .
11 And as the all-too-solid original took a single step out from the doorway he dropped the loop of wire over its head and , like a man straining to start an outboard motor , suddenly hauled it tight for all he was worth .
12 She also noted the depth of dust over everything .
13 Although the death in battle of Penda , the pagan king of Mercia , in 655 sealed the victory of Christianity over heathenism , this important event was overshadowed by dissension between the Roman and Celtic Churches .
14 ‘ It only came a couple of inches over the white line , he hit the brakes and it shot one way and then the other , ’ he said .
15 Yet on the other hand surviving evidence tends to vindicate Richard Padley 's accusation , in the Fabian survey of evacuation , that Whitehall used the decentralised local government system to shirk its responsibilities ; the Ministry of Health and Board of Education , he maintained , doled out ‘ platitudinous ’ advice via circulars and adopted an attitude of complacency over the possibility of medical problems among evacuee children , such as malnutrition , head lice , impetigo , etc .
16 Vigno had thrown our clothes on to the floor and poured a bottle of aftershave over them before stuffing them back into our lockers to ferment .
17 Jacqueline Bridger , 46 , poured a can of petrol over her head in the office of Michael Sargeant , the man she claimed had been her lover , the Old Bailey was told .
18 A replacement will be announced in the next few days , while it has emerged that Donald Carr , who once as England captain poured a bucket of water over a Pakistani umpire , was proposed as referee for the recent Pakistan-Sri Lanka series — and like Graveney , was not surprisingly rejected .
19 Then they held him down , flat on his back , as another Sturmabteilung poured a bucket of salt over the Englishman .
20 So one day I poured a cup of coffee over his head .
21 The horseman threw a couple of sacks over the backs of his horses and sat under the hedge to eat his elevenses .
22 It related to an incident last August in Manchester Road Swindon when Mr Neilsen threw a bucket of water over a prostitute , Rachel Symonds .
23 When one of his servants first saw him smoking , he thought Sir Walter was on fire and threw a jug of ale over him .
24 The sandwiches were quickly followed by the wrath of the Scotland manager , who charged into the bedroom and threw a glass of milk over the startled keeper .
25 The Far Eastern Economic Review of Sept. 8 noted that the Chinese response to US representations over missile sales showed a lack of concern over Sino-US strategic relations .
26 Another trial in 97 patients showed an advantage for surgery over radiotherapy in forestalling the appearance of distant metastases over five years .
27 A tall woman leaned from a balcony and emptied a bucket of water over them .
28 Graham Bamford , 48 , from Macclesfield , Cheshire , emptied a can of petrol over himself , flicked a lighter and exploded in flames in London 's Parliament Square as MPs in the nearby House of Commons debated the Bosnia crisis on April 29 .
29 One adverse critic of Dustin 's performance was the young and eccentric English actor Victor Henry , who , on seeing Dustin in a bar after the show , emptied a glass of beer over his head .
30 It was as if , said Callaghan , they had got bored with the subject , and suddenly ‘ chucked a bucket of whitewash over it . ’
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