Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] be [vb pp] [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 From 1957 onwards some buildings began to be used to incarcerate difficult mental patients , or those deemed ‘ untreatable ’ , from other Greek hospitals .
2 ‘ Neil had the vision to see what needed to be done to carry Labour forward , he had the courage to take on the task , and he had the determination to see it through , ’ he added .
3 Although he admitted that the issue is ‘ far from the most pressing matter facing the nation ’ , its inclusion in the campaign speech appeared to be designed to draw public attention away from Australia 's economic problems .
4 Some attempt had to be made to build new links with the existing problem-based material even before the full implications for clients were known .
5 Plenty of new technology had to be devised to implement relational databases .
6 Decoration work in the house still had to be done and about £2,000 still had to be raised to meet annual running costs .
7 In Hong Kong yesterday the Group of Seven leading industrial nations said they wanted to give new help to Moscow 's reforms , but both they and Russia 's deputy premier stressed that future aid had to be tailored to win Russian hearts and minds .
8 Occasionally the traffic had to be stopped to prevent modern vehicles spoiling the period setting .
9 They said that something had to be done to put right the mess which the Government had made of the Self-Governing Schools etc .
10 The new religion had to be seen to meet existing needs , and not to overtax the courage its converts would need to break with the religion of their ancestors .
11 There can be no serious defensible pedigrees here ( even if we could decide what characteristics had to be inherited to ensure pure descent ) .
12 It produced some odd scenes : when NoS wanted to state that the paper was going to be ‘ progressive ’ and ‘ accessible ’ , articles from the dummy had to be scrutinized to make sure they proved this was true .
13 The movies as a whole had to be moulded to suit middle-class notions of public respectability but meanwhile local battles had to be won in every town and city as sector by sector the wider public was to be won over .
14 In the early years of the scheme , most of the money invested had to be used to buy individual shares .
15 Coercion had to be used to get local farmers to undertake these ( technically dubious ) measures .
16 For these more orthodox members , the machinery of the House had to be used to protect Labour ministers and to project their achievements .
17 A senior official in the State Statistical Bureau warned that demand had to be controlled to avoid runaway inflation .
18 The other school of thought argues that offensive operations remained important and that military technology had to be designed to protect offensive missions and to swamp the defensive with area destruction munitions .
19 Claiming that some weapons equipment " could be diverted to civilian use " , Aziz stressed that Iraq had to be allowed to establish civilian industries which would " benefit our people " .
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