Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] a [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He wrote a book which we bought , all about the discrimination he endured as a Methodist living in Ireland .
2 An Agence France-Presse ( AFP ) news agency report of Dec. 8 said that ICO Foreign Ministers who met for a preparatory session in Dakar on Dec. 5-9 , had adopted a draft resolution expressing " full solidarity " with Libya in its confrontation with Western states over the Lockerbie affair [ see p. 38599 ] and underlined their " concern over … the possible use of force " .
3 Now reference was made to the police finance working party which met for a long period of time , and unfortunately made no progress whatsoever in zero base budgeting .
4 Charles 's personal copy of the psalter ( a manuscript designed for daily devotions ) also had ivory covers , showing the prophet Nathan 's rebuke of David for his liaison with Bathsheba ( Ps 51 , Vulg 50 ) and the protection of David 's soul ( Ps 57 , Vulg 56 ) depicted as a little child on the lap of a kindly angel .
5 The robbers got through a rear window at Autoserve in Elm Park Road and police are anxious to trace a white box lorry seen in the car park at the time .
6 With no work to go to and nothing to do except sit in my room and think , I got through a fair number of mental scenarios by the time the next damp grey evening arrived .
7 Whatever it was , Liam 's throat must have been bothering him something terrible for he got through an awful lot of the stuff that night .
8 It was the experimental air fields which gave him a taste for exploring ideas which he later satisfied by joining a university ; it was the German language which brought him his wife Mary ( they met through a German class in Bristol ) .
9 Is that agreed as a fair way of proceeding ?
10 The prince listened intently as British Korean war veteran Sam Mercer described the battle in which he fought as a 21-year-old private with the Gloucestershire Regiment in 1951 .
11 Everything here fed his masochism — as he had known instinctively that it would when he applied for a similar position in the English coalfields some years before , only to be told that he was not mature enough .
12 Repeating a five-year-old falsehood about his nationality , he applied for a one-year renewal of his passport on 24 September 1938 and , on this occasion , repeated what he now knew to be false that he was British by birth .
13 The question of who is an " occupant " is discussed in Paterson v. City of Glasgow District Licensing Board , 1982 S.L.T. ( Sh.Ct. ) 37 , where a new manager who applied for a permanent transfer of an off sale licence was held not to be an " occupant " where he had no interest in the premises other than as an employee .
14 In December 1937 he applied for a short-service commission in the RAF and to his evident amazement was accepted and sent for elementary flying training in 90 m.p.h .
15 Early in the fifteenth century , the problem of what constituted a nation arose as a practical issue at the Council of Constance , and , as might be expected in an assembly which contained many distinguished academics , the issue was debated in theoretical terms , although the original cause of the debate was essentially political .
16 Mrs Thatcher , however , claimed that the riots had nothing to do with unemployment and deprivation , but arose as a direct consequence of a lack of discipline within the family and in the schools .
17 In June 's Tropical Answers D Benton asked about an antisyphoning device for his external filter .
18 Indream , Dana qualified as a real person among zombies anyway .
19 Mr Sheppard , who qualified as a chartered secretary at the beginning of his career , believes their skills will become highly relevant during the 1990s .
20 After studying MORSE ( Mathmatics , Operational Research , Statistics and Economics ) at Warwick University , Carl Stead qualified as a chartered accountant in 1987 with Spicer & Oppenheim .
21 I qualified as an enrolled nurse in 1977 in Northern Ireland .
22 This might throw light on his uncomplimentary nickname too , and on how , as the charter S 933 of 1014 reveals , " the attacks and plunderings of the evil Danes " gave him possession of a Dorset estate of the church of Sherborne , which he eventually sold for a great price in gold and silver to a friend of the monks , who returned it to them .
23 Eighty lots sold for a respectable total of £4.19 million ( $6.29 million ) , with only nine lots failing to find buyers .
24 A KESTREL swooped for a refreshing stop at a waterfall in a little garden paradise high above a busy South London road .
25 Scott inherited the family estate in 1596 , but from 1612 until towards the end of his life he lived for a good part of the year in Canterbury .
26 In 1902 he lived for a short period in Clerkenwell , east London .
27 ‘ British Gas asked for a wide-ranging review in order to clarify our regulatory environment and develop a clear way ahead for the future .
28 They had , it appears , expended upwards of £100 to that date and Millford asked for a new lease upon Fleming Royalties in Shaw 's and Wildhagen 's names .
29 But erm , if so , please get in touch before Wednesday as they 've , he rang me up last night and asked for a final figure from us which he must
30 He also asked for a similar offence to be taken into consideration .
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