Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] be [adj] for [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The princess confessed to being worried for his safety during the Gulf War .
2 Besides , women workers might be cheaper , but too many depressed breadwinners could damage national morale , and morale needed to be high for what was coming .
3 Furthermore , it is logical that models which can yield an investment strategy capable of beating a process of random selection and ‘ buy-and-hold ’ would not be published until they ceased to be profitable for their creators .
4 The archdeacon in the king 's presence appointed his brother Richard to perform the duties of his Forest office in his place , and agreed to be responsible for him .
5 ‘ But you got to be ready for it .
6 Some years ago The Sunday Times invited parents ( representing a wide range of social backgrounds ) to list the things which they felt to be significant for their children in their years of primary schooling .
7 Occasionally she could see a gleam in Rachel 's eye , as though she might suddenly ask him if his intentions were honourable , but for the first time in her life she learned to be grateful for her mother 's good manners .
8 The Billeting Office found us accommodation , but no one appeared to be responsible for us otherwise , though I expect we could have gone to our administrative chief Harold Fletcher , if we had been in any serious trouble .
9 ‘ Everything we bought had to be practical for our flat ; light and easy to move around .
10 ‘ I never wanted to leave Wigan — it would have been a downward step — but at the same time it had to be right for me .
11 This stipulated that products had to be fit for their purpose and meet standards of appearance and finish being free from minor defects as well as safe and durable .
12 By 0930 they were all in their coaches for the long journey back to Brighton , for that evening they all became civilians again and had to be ready for their ordinary jobs on Monday .
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